"Team leader", goon colors, missing info

Several things to talk about here.

"Team leader":
You have an ability that targets the enemy team's strongest color, but if each character in that team is on the same level, they'll have three colors on the same level, which makes it impossible to tell which one will be the strongest. You would have to check before the fight who is the team leader and then remember that during the fight. Something tells me most of us don't do that. I would like D3 to clearly mark who is the opposing team leader, to eliminate this problem.

Goon colors:
All goons (excepts for ninjas, but they're actually making moves of their own) do the same damage on all colors. How to know which color will be the strongest? Will the blue and yellow assassin have blue or yellow as his strongest color? Impossible to know, which is why D3 needs to modify the goons' color charts so they'll have a clear "color ladder".

Missing info:
"The Empiricist goon" can transform blue tiles into purple tiles but nowhere in his info does it say that he transforms blue tiles (which has killed my Daken a few times). Please add info about that ability.