all my sub nodes disappeared

was playing my sub sub nodes in PVE, suddenly the game reset itself and upon re-entering, all my sub nodes in ISO-8 LAB CAnada is gone. and all my PVP and season screen is pink.

im current competing top 50 and cannot afford to sit idle, what did you guys do that causes this?

in game ID is genmaster


  • markcoen01
    markcoen01 Posts: 33 Just Dropped In
    All of my sub nods in Colombia disappeared too! And now, that screen just loads pitch black! And with only 5 hrs and 24 mins left!
  • I am running on iphone 5s with iOS 7.04
  • markcoen01
    markcoen01 Posts: 33 Just Dropped In
    Just did the app update, and all is well again. Thank you!
  • Demiurge_Will
    Demiurge_Will Posts: 346 Mover and Shaker
    This should be fixed now. Let me know if you're still seeing it!
  • action711
    action711 Posts: 129 Tile Toppler
    App update worked for me too
  • kilmer
    kilmer Posts: 14
    Did the forced update and now my game crashes completely. Have submitted a ticket.