Rampant Cheating

I'm getting pretty tired of the rampant cheating- especially during events. I'll play and get in the top 5 in the first 5 days.. and then a random person will blow by everyone with low ranking characters and an impossible amount of points in such a short amount of time. (Some don't even have the required characters for certain battles, but will blow by everyone by the thousands). By the time I report a cheater with screenshots as proof.. event ends and all that time playing seems like wasted time. There needs to be a system put in place to scale back cheating. It's getting too ridiculous.


  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    nerdbro wrote:
    I'm getting pretty tired of the rampant cheating- especially during events. I'll play and get in the top 5 in the first 5 days.. and then a random person will blow by everyone with low ranking characters and an impossible amount of points in such a short amount of time. (Some don't even have the required characters for certain battles, but will blow by everyone by the thousands). By the time I report a cheater with screenshots as proof.. event ends and all that time playing seems like wasted time. There needs to be a system put in place to scale back cheating. It's getting too ridiculous.

    I've noticed this as well, but as i found out, logging into my tablet account (just for gift sending) last night for the first time in over a week, i joined a bracket, did a full clear (no Fury, but i did have a 1 cover IM 40 and a lvl 26 storm!) with no health packets consumed.. did a 2nd clear.. then did a 3rd, was 3/4 through a 4th when i ran out of health packets.. and having played approximately 2 hours for 1 day on a 7 day event, i am in the top 10 of my bracket, on an account that will most likely never have enough HP to roster the char.

    The "loot" sub, was level 55 all around! my 0/1/5 IF (lvll 40) and my 3/1/2(lvl 40) Daken mutilated it barely getting touched
  • nerdbro wrote:
    I'm getting pretty tired of the rampant cheating- especially during events. I'll play and get in the top 5 in the first 5 days.. and then a random person will blow by everyone with low ranking characters and an impossible amount of points in such a short amount of time. (Some don't even have the required characters for certain battles, but will blow by everyone by the thousands). By the time I report a cheater with screenshots as proof.. event ends and all that time playing seems like wasted time. There needs to be a system put in place to scale back cheating. It's getting too ridiculous.

    Think this is tied into trivial/easy/normal scaling. Im sure people aren't happy when they look at my roster, because my Iron Man is only 53, and my highest characters are level 66 two star torch, 62 OBW widow, 61 2Wolv, and 60 2thor. Yet Im currently in second place for the week. Mind you, on my end, Im still putting in the work and clearing as best as possible 3 times daily, but where the enemies are scaled down for me, (My current match is "Easy" level 85 Rag, 86 Yelena and Doom) Im still completing as best as possible.

    Now, I think my bracket did have some people do something fish earlier this week, as one day a group of people soared into the daily top 5, and later completely dissapeared off the chart, so I think they do have people monitoring such things.
  • Haetron wrote:
    Now, I think my bracket did have some people do something fish earlier this week, as one day a group of people soared into the daily top 5, and later completely dissapeared off the chart, so I think they do have people monitoring such things.

    That can also result from grinding nodes down to 1 point before everyone else does - you end up with an inflated score briefly, but people playing more optimally end up passing them back up. I've gotten up to first place occasionally doing that before work or bed or whatever in PVEs I wasn't even trying that hard in.

    I think there's a lot less cheating in PVE than people assume.