The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

I don't want to make this post to seem like I'm bashing D3 and MPQ, hence the reason why I will also give out what I think is part of the good.

The Good

Deadpool's Daily Quest: I still enjoy this + I get to try some new team set ups + I get to cover complete my characters + I get a good amount of ISO

New Characters: I really enjoy the release of new characters. What I don't enjoy that is related with these new characters is explained in the other two sections. Marvel universe is full of these characters. Keep on bringing them in.

Ultron event: I loved it. Regardless whether I was able to complete it with my alliance or not. Just the fact that it was a new game mode and had somewhat different mechanics was amazing. I loved the whole team effort concept.

The June Q&A: I enjoyed it cause it covered a lot of the main concerns of the community as a whole.

The forum community: for all its good aspects such as helping each other out and giving amazing advice and just being fun.

The Bad

Insufficient New content: we got teased with Ultron then everything went back to status quo... Marvel universe is full of amazing stories. Use them. Your target crowd is a large group of people that are obsessed with these characters. Cater them. Give them stories that they are starving to have. Community will be extra happy

Dark Reign: need I say more?!?!


Roster Slots: Yes, thank you for placing a cap on roster slots at 1K. But what percentage of people pay 1K? Now compare that number to the percentage of people that have asked for a roster slot cap. If we are complaining at 700, then what is the point of 1K? I've started getting rid of my 2*s now because I refuse to drop 700HP for a single character. But it's not part of the ugly because you did put an effort and did come up with a cap.

The forum community: for always dropping negativity on all subjects. We all do it, me included.

The Ugly

PVE: enough. It's not PVE when I'm competing for a ranking spot against members of my alliance. PVE should be designed to be played with friends, not against them. The whole scaling concept is wrong. It's here because you need people to compete against each other. Best way to do that in PVE is to make sure that some nodes are near impossible to complete, making some people give up on them and others dropping HP to continue going on. That is not PVE. Either change the name to PVP 2.0 or turn it to PVE please. By doing so you will also be able to bring in a lot of new stories. You'll be able to run multiple stories at the same time and allow people or groups of people to chose which ones they want to complete. No matter what you do, please get rid of the competitive nature of PVE.

ISO Shortage: 5K will allow me to level my 3* Rocket and Groot by 2 after 140. 5K is what I get from DDQ (maybe more so 3 levels). That will take us forever to get our characters to 166. Give us more options of winning ISO. If you want a quick idea here's one: A node as hard as the last one from the gauntlet, where you can't use Deadpool Team-Up, and if you finish it within 3 tries you get 5K. 2 tries will be 10K and 1 try will be 15K (arbitrary numbers). If you weren't able to finish it within three tries the level goes significantly down and you'll play for 500-1K ISO. (I have plenty more ideas from where that came from).

New Content: I love getting new characters as mentioned above. But at least give me new content with them. What does Carnage have to do with the ISO-8 Brotherhood?!. Make a quick story: Carnage has attacked Aunt May. To save Aunt May, Heros attack Carnage. If you beat Carnage, you'll get one cover. If you beat Carnage with a team that has Spiderman, you get 2 covers. If you beat Carnage and your Spiderman still has at least 50% of his health, you'll get all Three Covers. <- Welcome new Character and Welcome to PVE (the real one).

Please D3, I love marvel characters and I don't want to put this game down cause I love using them and "solving" puzzles. Try to spice things up and try to see what the concerns of the community are and let's try to work together. We all want to make the game better, maybe we can do it together.

Anyone else interested, feel free to put what you think is good and not good regarding MPQ.

TL;DR: I posted my good points and bad points and really bad points and asked people to post theirs as well.


  • morph3us
    morph3us Posts: 859 Critical Contributor
    I've been thinking a fair bit about the influx of new characters, and I think that to an extent the devs are right, in that the new characters are good for the game. This was particularly obvious in the most recent run of The Gauntlet, where each node offered a varied challenge, each different and designed to test your roster depth. In some respects, this run of the Gauntlet felt like the most "Puzzle Quest"-y event we've ever had. What do you do when you're face with two AP stealers in Hood and Loki, but have Deadpool to block your way to them? What do you do when you're faced with Iron Fist generating a substantial attack tile, Hulkbuster lurking behind him, ready to be fueled by his black AP, and Hood delaying your ability to find a solution? It's fun, it's challenging, and it's interesting. When I think about the very first run of the Gauntlet, where I brute forced my way through it with Storm/Mags, the contrast is quite marked.

    The issue really lies, as you say, in the lack of new PvE content. Constant re-runs of the Dark Reign storyline offer little to no opportunity to showcase some of the great new characters introduced into the game, nor the ability/counter-ability balance that's been slowly introduced into the game over the last six months or so.

    Consequently, whenever I see the Simulator PvE event, or The Gauntlet, I get quite excited, and pull on my PvE boots. When I'm faced with Prodigal Sun (etc) for the umpteenth time, that's when I go and find something else to do.
  • PuceMoose
    PuceMoose Posts: 1,445 Chairperson of the Boards
    It's likely a pipe dream, but it would be amazing if they would release exactly one new character each season, and a new story event featuring that character. I wouldn't even care if they reused the same "maps" - just change the dialog and fights to reflect the new story line (You already have all of the talking head/dialog balloon art ready to go).