Facebook backup question

azninvasion2000 Posts: 33 Just Dropped In
Hey All,

Sorry if this is not the correct place to post this, but here is my situation:

I started playing MPQ, backed up my game, then decided I wanted to start fresh. I started fresh on my android and when I tried to back it up again and overwrite my previous game, it reloaded my old game. I rewiped again and have not backed it up in about a year.

I am switching devices soon, and really don't want to lose my year's worth of progress, yet I am scared to try to back it up on facebook fearing that it will reload my old year old save.

Are there clear instructions on how to overwrite your old facebook save? I've invested a lot of time and some money on this game and losing everything would really really suck.

Thanks in advance!


  • optimus2861
    optimus2861 Posts: 1,233 Chairperson of the Boards
    Contact D3 directly about this. I'd be worried too if I were you. The Facebook-backup thing has always been a little ... fussy, let's say. I play the game on both my phone and my tablet, and often I'll find that the sync isn't exact. Play a node on my phone, clear it, earn the points, log out, log in a while later on the tablet, and my points are there, but the node no longer shows as cleared. It usually just amounts to a nuisance, but you've got a lot at stake.
  • azninvasion2000
    azninvasion2000 Posts: 33 Just Dropped In
    Thanks dude, will do.
  • azninvasion2000
    azninvasion2000 Posts: 33 Just Dropped In
    Has anyone successfully overwritten an old Facebook save? When I log in, this pops up


    I deleted the MPQ Facebook app from my facebook thinking it would wipe all the old data with it but apparently not.

    I'm pretty sure I'm not the 1st person to ever run into this problem, and after 20 mins of searching through the forums, I could not find an answer.

    Please help! Thanks!