MPQ Survey optional question

turul Posts: 1,622 Chairperson of the Boards
Question 5 asks:
5. How likely are you to recommend Marvel Puzzle Quest to a friend?
(On a scale of 0 to 10, where 0 is Not likely at all, 5 is Neutral, and 10 is Extremely Likely)

while 6 asks why do i rate MPQ at [5].

The two questions are different - i would rate MPQ at about 8-10, but friend recommendation probability is another question.

( in my case, since MPQ is not in my native language, it is less likely I recommend it to a friend )


  • Joel
    Joel Posts: 2 Just Dropped In
    I recommend the need update the History, the history is the same for years I think history is good opportunity for create more characters. Spider-Man paper bag the need kill is the only character don’t take points than all. I want to see more characters one, two and 3 star Marvel is a universe. Is time to keep play a simple game. I don’t want a complicated game with 5 stars I just want a good time playing MPQ. More heroes 1,2,3 star