Hulk red power malfunctioning

maururun Posts: 4 Just Dropped In
Hulk is a buffed character right now, so I've been using him a little more, despite not having his black power where I want it. I love the hypothetical damage potential of his red power, but it appears to not be working correctly. Red power is supposed to deal base damage, and then the base is boosted by how much green AP you have, which the red power consumes. The problem is that the red power is consuming my green AP but not dealing the extra damage. I'm getting the base red damage ONLY.

Anyone else seeing this?


  • maururun
    maururun Posts: 4 Just Dropped In
    No, wait, I see the power changed at some point. Now it's any green AP above a certain threshold. That's new to me. I guess this is moot, then.
  • Yep, it's a trash ability icon_cry.gif