All I want is to play.

Hi all. I'm Jenn new to all this. I have an iPhone5, everything's updated. I did the undate very early on the 4th and have issues with my game crashing ever sense. On the first day it was just every other match or so. Yesterday is when it started getting really bad now I'm not able to play at all every time I try to play the game crashes. This is frustrating for many reasons but one big reason I was in first place in the bull's-eye three-star PVP, and have not been able to do the dead pool daily two days in a row now going on the third day. Can anyone help me? Any ideas? All I want is to play. I have emailed the helpline which did nothing they told me the computer game crashes like that to prevent people from cheating. I am not cheating. But have wasted dozens and dozens of health packs and hundreds of hero points. Please someone help me!!!!


  • smoq84
    smoq84 Posts: 421 Mover and Shaker
    Unfortunately you're not the only one. I am i the same situation. I am not able to start the game from the 4th.
    Also tried to clean the memory, reinstall the game, restart the phone - nothing changed. I have already send a ticket and received information that they are working on the problem.

    In my opinion they should just reverse the patch so we could play...
  • The devs have said they are doing their best to find the glitch and fix it, but that they can't reproduce it in the office. Can you believe that? The only people not getting the glitch are the ones who need to find it!

    Still, I think after all this time, they should be posting status updates. Once a day is fine. Somebody's going to have to take a break from staring at code, eventually. Just pop in and say, "I hate my life. There is no glitch. You're all punking me. I need whiskey," then back to work.

    I just want to come on the boards and complain about how I'm not getting to play my game. I know it's not reasonable, that they're doing what they can. I mean, they're losing money right now. Losing trust. It's a bad thing.

    Still, I want to whine. I was going to play this game, and now I can't.

    Oh, by the way, I don't think they can claw back the patch. (Claw. Patch. Heh.) From what I understand, getting a patch approved by Apple takes time and paperwork, so it might not just be a matter of clicking, "Undo," and taking us back to where we were. Plus, they'll still need to figure out why the R77 patch malfunctioned.

    But I wanna play! icon_e_sad.gificon_e_sad.gificon_e_sad.gificon_e_sad.gif
  • Same is going on the third day of not being able to play and other than the we are working on it we have received no updates. It really rubs it in when you open the game and it says about knowing the prob and working on it and then the very next thing is "Win Carnage!" How are we supposed to win Carnage when so many of us cant play it?
  • Have you guys emailed the help desk?? I don't understand why they cat fix this. To make it even more painful I run my alliance and we where doing so good in the PVP and story mode, I was in 2nd place in the bull's-eye PVP and ended in 52 place, I had been playing for 300+ days in a row and I am not getting my daily bonus, 3 days of not getting to play the deadpool daily, and.... 3 DAYS OF NOT BEING ABLE TO PLAY, oh yah and that we can not compete for the new 4 star.
  • MikeG72
    MikeG72 Posts: 111 Tile Toppler
    Check the app store. They did an update earlier today. I downloaded it and it works fine now.
  • OMG thank you!! I did the update. I can play now!!!!!!!!!