Tiny numbers on the tiles

Occasionally there will be tiny numbers on some of the basic tiles. I haven't been paying enough attention to see what is causing them. Anyone else seeing this?


  • vudu3
    vudu3 Posts: 940 Critical Contributor
    I saw a 4 on a purple tile once but my game crashed immediately after so I didn't have a chance to investigate further.
  • Cayasha wrote:
    Occasionally there will be tiny numbers on some of the basic tiles. I haven't been paying enough attention to see what is causing them. Anyone else seeing this?

    I have never noticed it (assuming you're not referring to count down tiles. icon_lol.gif ), but i will definitely be looking for it now.
  • I have had this occur after an enemy Loki shuffled a board that contained multiple countdown tiles belonging to both sides, but I haven't had a chance to replicate this yet.
  • Linkster79
    Linkster79 Posts: 1,037 Chairperson of the Boards
    Happens a lot if Nick Fury is tanking purple. They don't count down or anything just stay there until matched.

    Just put it down to working as intended and it too shall pass.
  • turul
    turul Posts: 1,622 Chairperson of the Boards

    Dont know what happened but there was a blade steal tile earlier at that location.

    The popup information for that tile is normal, and there was no steal effect.
  • Good to know I'm not the only one it's happened to. It's a small bug and I'm not too worried about it. They have much bigger problems to try to fix first.
  • That happened to me, too, when I played Deadpool Daily yesterday. Someone else in my alliance saw them, too.
    Probably a bug in the new update?
  • I'm getting them too!

    It's the crop circles of MPQ icon_e_surprised.gif
    Hide your butts!
  • Philly79
    Philly79 Posts: 422 Mover and Shaker
    I saw it once on a blue tile...didn't seem to affect anything so....
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    It happens when you kill a character who has an active countdown tied specifically to that char. I saw it quite a bit on detonate tiles when i killed the goon before it could go off. When you click the tile to see characteristics, it does not show the CD info anymore, so it is inactive. Happened when i took down KP while some pawn tiles were out as well.

    So, lets try to add a new record before it is fixed... most inactive CD tiles!

    Only issue with the bug is this.. that tile cannot have another CD/Special tile put on it! (BP could not put strikes on an inactive yellow maggia tile)
  • I had this today but under different circumstances. I completed my turn and there were no moves available (Playing against 3 generic characters who do not swap tiles) so the tiles shuffled and then "1" "2" "3" "5" appeared on 4 tiles. I was quite surprised and annoyed because there was no "4". All 3 characters were still alive against me unlike Malcrof's example.
  • OzarkBoatswain
    OzarkBoatswain Posts: 692 Critical Contributor
    Here's another pic


    The text at the bottom happens when you mouse over the tiles.
  • I can now confirm that this bug is triggered by board shuffles when there countdown tiles are present, whether they be from powers or out-of-move shuffles.
  • Evidence:

    This is a collage from my phone of two screenshots side by side. Didn't know how to remove the central blurring

    Anyway, Mags had just dropped his red bomb, and from the resulting drop-in: hello! Little blacky-2 drops in for the party.
    When selected, it just says the standard damage text. icon_e_confused.gif

    I like them. I wish they were Deadpools faces instead though. That would be some nice easter-egg type stuff. Or trolling pictures of cartoon grenades. Like he's up there messing with the tiles, & graffitiing them.