Old Username and or Alliance

Hi Everyone,

Im not sure that it can be helped but I thought that I would put it out there regardless. I had to reset my android phone and lost my data. No biggie or so i thought, because I was linked in via google play games.. after all what would be the purpose of requiring that connection other than to save game data.. well that was wrong apparently can only sync via facebook.

however, i was given a glimmer of hope. if i could remember my previous username it looks like they could get my data back.. but it turns out i cant remember it exactly. I believed it to be WithoutRemorse but they did a search on and that user doesnt exist. It could be all lower case withoutremorse (but i doubt that makes a difference). regardless if i can find out which alliance i joined then i can reactivate my account.. but i dont know what that is either.. i sort of joined one at random on the 26th of april.

So 3 questions.
1. How can I search full alliances for users that would be some version of WithoutRemorse (sometimes its numbers for vowels) i've also used a variation of zinzan with numbers but thats unusual? I'm assuming that its not easy, otherwise people would just steal accounts.
2. Assuming I cant just search - what is the best way to reach out to alliance commanders to see if they are aware of my now idle account? I had, i think about 28 characters that i was working on, many of them full...
3. Any other suggestions?

Appreciate the help in advance.


  • GothicKratos
    GothicKratos Posts: 1,821 Chairperson of the Boards
    So 3 questions.
    1. How can I search full alliances for users that would be some version of WithoutRemorse (sometimes its numbers for vowels) i've also used a variation of zinzan with numbers but thats unusual? I'm assuming that its not easy, otherwise people would just steal accounts.
    2. Assuming I cant just search - what is the best way to reach out to alliance commanders to see if they are aware of my now idle account? I had, i think about 28 characters that i was working on, many of them full...
    3. Any other suggestions?

    Appreciate the help in advance.

    You're in a pretty sticky situation, I'm afraid...

    1.) You cannot search members at all in MPQ. If you know the name of the Alliance itself, you can view the roster of said Alliance by looking up the Alliance.

    2.) Unless you know their username on the forum (or some other communication platform, there really isn't.

    3.) Do you know if they're on Line? If they are, somebody might be able to find them for you. Do you have any old e-mail correspondences with Customer Service - maybe you can search through them for your Alliance name or username? The last thing I would suggest is to look though the Alliances sub-forum and looking for players or Alliances that look familiar.
  • Really appreciate the reply. Turns out that I was able to recover the game files from a back up I had made. I had to (root) my phone and pay for an app called titanium backup. But it was able to parse out all the app files and restore them. The back up as a whole had become corrupt and I didn't think it was usable.

    All I need to figure out now is how to disassociate my new account from FB and connect my old on up.
