Automatically change PvP team - Android user

Since my last update, this is the first time I have a bug. It's normal when I'm playing, but when I exit the game, MPQ changes one of my character in Versus mode into Magneto (classic). Since my Magneto cover is weak, I keep losing PvP matches when I offline. I lost about 400 pvp point during Bulls eye event.
I have already contacted the support but I want to know if anyone facing this problem as I do.


  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    Gh0sT wrote:
    Since my last update, this is the first time I have a bug. It's normal when I'm playing, but when I exit the game, MPQ changes one of my character in Versus mode into Magneto (classic). Since my Magneto cover is weak, I keep losing PvP matches when I offline. I lost about 400 pvp point during Bulls eye event.
    I have already contacted the support but I want to know if anyone facing this problem as I do.

    Oddly enough, i just did some PVP matches, it did not change any of my characters, but i did face a magneto every match (2*)
  • Malcrof wrote:
    Oddly enough, i just did some PVP matches, it did not change any of my characters, but i did face a magneto every match (2*)
    Yeahh, I noticed that, too. Probrably because I don't have 2* cover, it uses my 3* instead, but hate it any way, waste my time and pvp point
  • Gh0sT wrote:
    Since my last update, this is the first time I have a bug. It's normal when I'm playing, but when I exit the game, MPQ changes one of my character in Versus mode into Magneto (classic). Since my Magneto cover is weak, I keep losing PvP matches when I offline. I lost about 400 pvp point during Bulls eye event.
    I have already contacted the support but I want to know if anyone facing this problem as I do.

    Happening to me on Steam. One of my characters is being changed to Beast. Annoying
  • iconified1 wrote:
    Happening to me on Steam. One of my characters is being changed to Beast. Annoying
    Keep losing matches while offline ><
    Have you report that? Do you get anything?
  • Gh0sT wrote:
    iconified1 wrote:
    Happening to me on Steam. One of my characters is being changed to Beast. Annoying
    Keep losing matches while offline ><
    Have you report that? Do you get anything?

    Nobody will read it here? icon_question.gif What else can I do?
  • gruntface
    gruntface Posts: 161 Tile Toppler
    I am having the same issue (actually just posted a topic when I saw this thread).

    Not matter what I do, even if I deliberately down my 2* Storm which is also unlevelled, she is always in my team and I get battered when I log off. Also an android user.

    My alliance drops the lowest points players each event so hope this is fixed soon.....