Restore old app version


Because of your bad update for iOS 8, I can not play anymore. But I try to restore the old app version and it is impossible...
If you do not fix quickly the issue, can you allow to restore the old version ? (delete the mandatory to upload the new one)


  • smoq84
    smoq84 Posts: 421 Mover and Shaker
    Good point!
    This is not some minor bug, but the game is not even starting for many players. It is unplayable and if there is not quick fix it should be reversed to version before R77 :/
  • I agree with this. Roll back to the previous version.
  • actarus76
    actarus76 Posts: 29 Just Dropped In
    very good idea!!!
    it's very easy and quick for d3
  • I would support this. I'm going to lose a Vision Cover from DDQ, several Rocket & Groot covers, and an X-Force Green that I could have nabbed at 1k. I can't say I'm too thrilled with the lack of response on this one. They need to rollback pronto.