MPQ's high data usage

Anybody know why this game uses so much data? My data plan is 1 GB a month, which I never hit before MPQ. Now I hit it less than halfway through the month thanks to MPQ using tons of data, and it's foreground data too so I can't do anything to curb that.

Are there any operations that are particularly heavy on data consumption? Should I be checking leaderboards less? (they do take an awfully long time to load, but how intensive can they be, it's gotta be tiny amounts of data to send me a text file of rankings, right?)


  • BlackSheep101
    BlackSheep101 Posts: 2,025 Chairperson of the Boards
    I *think* the game downloads new art and sound assets as they're added. So if new characters get added to the game, you get all the portraits, animations and sound effects for those characters and their abilities.