A Plea to keep scoring & progs until end of season XV



  • I agree with pretty much everything that's been said already, and I'd like to add yet another point: What with those extremely high losses one risks beyond 1k, I'd really hate for the progression rewards to be pushed further up once more. I don't want to spend so much on shields. This way, one or two shields can get me to 1k.
  • As someone who has hit 1k for the first time since i started this game over 8 months ago, I want to add my plea to the cause. I like how, even when i unshield and get slammed for a few hundred points, there is at least some chance of getting those points back. Tho now that I've hit 1k, I'm afraid that the change in progression rewards is imminent.
  • puppychow
    puppychow Posts: 1,453
    D3 has its own priorities, but certain elements of the company (Ice, Will, etc.) do look at our comments & feedback. I would think this topic is of great interest to the game developers. There's certainly no harm in trying. icon_cool.gif
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,758 Chairperson of the Boards
    I want to get this out there now because I fear the devs are looking at the escalating scores in PvP and are getting ready for another hot fix. I want to ask them to stop and to please let this stay in place at least until the end of this season.

    Is there a basis for this "fear" beyond speculation?

    Based on past history, if this dev decides to change something, it will simply be dropped on us. No discussion, just *plop*.

    Maybe they will, maybe they won't. Can't do anything about it, so why worry.
    Th basis for the fear is what they did with shield cool downs to limit insane scores. They want the 1000 point progression to be achievable, but I don't know if they want people scoring in the 2000. They don't want PVP to be pay to win. I like the new scoring and I am all for it. My wife who used to hit 700 points is now hitting 1000. I am easily getting over 1000, and I know some 2* players who are hitting the 700+ mark. The progression rewards are now more achievable.
    The question now becomes will the Devs do something to limit high scores? Will they limit the number of shields you can use? Will they adjust so a 38 opponent goes down to 30? If they do something how will it effect the 2* masses? Will it upset the high paying whales to quite?
    With any change, good or bad, will be looked at in test phase first and possible adjusted and that is the fear.
  • TLCstormz
    TLCstormz Posts: 1,668
    I thought he wanted suggestions and / or comments from the majority of the player base?

    .......meaning 2* - 3* Transitioners and below. lol
  • DFiPL
    DFiPL Posts: 2,405 Chairperson of the Boards
    Having skipped much of season XIV, I don't know how much of my current success is due to a reset and how much is due to whatever changes they've made, but the situation as currently exists for me? I'm a fan.

    I don't, largely, care about placement rewards. Yes, if I'm in a position to earn them, of course I'd love to have them, but shield "hopping" is never going to be something I'll do. I'll play, and if, near the end of an event, a 3h shield looks beneficial, I may avail myself (note that this is specific to Season XV thus far, where I've been able to hit the HP progressions at 400 and 575, so the shield is only "costing" me 25 HP net).

    In previous seasons, my high water mark has been 25 HP at 400 points; more usual was the token at 300, and I was about as likely as not to fall just short of 300 because I hit "the wall," leaving me with only pure ISO and ISO from selling covers to show for the time spent. With some of the pre-XV changes, where the wall hit sooner, whatever fun had been there in chasing the token at 300 points evaporated, because that just wasn't feasible anymore.

    So far in XV, I've had three finishes in the mid-600 range, with a couple of those briefly flirting with 700. I hit the 800 point mark for the first time ever in the Groot event, although because I don't shield "hop," I've since been attacked a handful of times and the Elektra cover at 1000 is probably not within my grasp.

    I don't know where I'll finish in that event, since I was able to play it a little earlier than the previous couple (and there's more time left for me to get hit). Not sure I care. I got 50 HP, two tokens (one of which yielded a 3* cover I needed), the 3* cover at 800 points (which I'm not sure if I'm going to use, although the reason I chased it was that I was considering a respec), and I COULD still finish well-placed enough for a needed Squirrel Girl cover and some more HP.

    If I stay in the top 100, I'm going to walk away from the Groot PVP with a minimum of two 3* covers I can definitely use, 75 HP, and the ISO from progressions/fights/finish. It'll be the most productive PVP I've ever had, and even if I don't finish top 100, it'll still be one of the most productive PVP I've had in a long, long time.

    Yeah, individuals who have always been able to chase placement are going to find the changes a little unnerving since they're either losing more when they're hit than they're used to, or finding that scores they previously considered acceptable suddenly aren't (for alliance purposes), or what-have-you. But for those of us who previously have been neither able to chase placement nor able to chase progressions, this is a whole new world.

    All I've ever wanted out of PVP was to be able to come away with something that feels worth the time I invest, and in the first few events of season XV, for the first time, that's how it feels - that if I play, I'm going to walk away with a reward that feels worth the effort I put in. There are still going to be walls for me, but they feel self-inflicted. I don't shield hop, I don't buy health packs, so there's going to be a limit to how far I can actually get in the progressions. But for my level of roster strength, my willingness to invest resources, and my ability to spend time, the 600 range feels like the sweet spot to me. If I hit that consistently, PVP will feel worth playing consistently.

    Before the XV changes, that just wasn't ever gonna happen.
  • puppychow
    puppychow Posts: 1,453
    wymtime wrote:
    With any change, good or bad, will be looked at in test phase first and possible adjusted and that is the fear.

    In other words, the developers will overnerf. icon_mrgreen.gif
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    TxMoose wrote:
    SnowcaTT wrote:
    TxMoose wrote:
    as someone who is hoping to hit 1000 for the first time soon, I'm all for keeping it as long as possible. just hope I can find the right matches since my A team is a slow one.

    Ditto here. I'd like to see this not just this season, but every season.
    I just have to figure out how to hop correctly. winning 2 matches (and not slow ones mind you, although my only viable team is a slower one - need to start timing them) and getting hit once every time feels hamsterish...
    as someone who never had hit 750 before (but never spent much hp on hopping), I made it to 1000 last Friday in the bullseye event for the xforce green. cost me 600 hp and I just barely made it. ended up unshielded in the upper 500s (didn't want to spend 300hp for a cover to finish grocket when I'll get him in ddq this week anyway). team was 166Lthor/142loki/ (not a good hopping team - that's why I needed so many). I love the thought of having an opportunity at it if I think the cover is worth it. my xforce is up to 5 covers and i'll be going for it for any xf, hb, 4hor, px, kp, and maybe fury. as someone who really hasn't finished the *** transition, this should be very doable for those full *** teams who have the hp to spend on hopping. if this was intended to help facilitate a 3* to 4* transition, I think it hit the mark. if not, this would be a positive side effect unless they think it's too easy now. now, enough with Elektra and IW, give me some good ****s to shoot for icon_e_wink.gif