POLL/PETITION - Who wants the old AP counter back?

This is in the same spirit as this thread HERE

I would suggest to the Devs that they revert to the last version
of the AP counter, the one that showed AP gained, stolen, or used.

The new AP bar just isn't... I don't even have a word for it.

Please vote above.


John Aaron

Edit: Spell Checking
Failed to load the poll.


  • Who voted for the new bar? And why? Am I missing out on something? Just curious.
  • Colognoisseur
    Colognoisseur Posts: 806 Critical Contributor
    Who voted for the new bar? And why? Am I missing out on something? Just curious.

    I voted for the new graphic because now that I'm used to it I like it better. Seeing the ap total across all of the colors at a quick glance heading in to my turn lets me know what decisions I need to make. It has taken me a bit of a learning curve to get the rhythm down as to when it comes out but I have. Now I watch the ai makes its move then I flick my glance up to see what potential trouble can be caused with the app available to it next turn.
    It is preference but now that I've used it for a few weeks it gets my vote.
  • Buret0
    Buret0 Posts: 1,591
    Can we get a vote option for "let us customize our own display, please"?

    Turn off animations - Check.
    Speed up graphics - Check.
    Always show new AP bar - Check.
    Show old AP bar for AP stolen - Check.
    Show enemy skills - Check.
    Show enemy name/health only - Check.

    "Show enemy skills" stacks another area on top or underneath your own (eats up a bit of the character space) that shows the colored bars demonstrating the AP build up towards skill use for the enemy team (just as it does for your own team). Rather than have to check the AP bar on the side or reference how much AP every move takes, you can just observe how full the enemy skill bars are (and click on them as you would your own skills to see the details).

    "Show enemy name/health only" removes the graphics for the characters and replaces them with the names of the enemies and their current/max health. This will be useful for the double-stacked skill bars described in the paragraph above.
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    I like seeing enemy ap totals, but the par really needs to be permanent. Also, changes in ap total should be highlighted (green numbers have gone up, red numbers have gone down). That will gel track the effects of ap theft abilities.

    Also, animations can be changed per user for competitive reasons. But the longest animations should be changed (i am looking at you, beast's blue. . . )
  • Lee T
    Lee T Posts: 318
    I voted old, but what I'd really like would be to have the totals displayed at all times wihtout having to swipe the screen every time.
  • Raffoon
    Raffoon Posts: 884
    I'd like to see the totals.... with the change per turn right next to them... best of both worlds. Seems totally possible.