Unable to run mpq without wifi

Playing on iOS 8.3 LTE and without wifi, mpq will show "check internet connection". Called Att support and they said LTE is fastest speed.

Is this a known issue with new mpq update, iOS users, or just my issue?

Any suggestions or answers would be greatly appreciated. Issue has been showing up since the update for mpq.

Thank u


  • Unknown
    edited June 2015
    Already posted, NO RESPONSE FOR DEVS in around a month. Guess we didn't pay enough for them to give a single tinykitty.

  • BlackSheep101
    BlackSheep101 Posts: 2,025 Chairperson of the Boards
    iOS supports restricting wireless internet use on a per application basis. Check your system settings to make sure that MPQ is allowed to use 4g.
  • Thanks Blacksheep, cellular data was switched off...must have been after iOS update.