Turn to smoke screwed up.

geoffubazi2 Posts: 49
In the DPD, turn to smoke goes off every round once the tiatsu is dead. Within 4 turns I was taking 2500 power turn, and all characters were dead.


  • Agamotto
    Agamotto Posts: 45 Just Dropped In
    Yup, Turn to Smoke is still screwed up. I got it three times in a row after I killed the last ninja... icon_eek.gif <- me at the time... now icon_lol.gificon_lol.gificon_lol.gif I thought they had fixed this bug icon_e_confused.gif
  • boldfacedfemme
    boldfacedfemme Posts: 227 Tile Toppler
    Came to forum to post the same thing. In ddq, dang ninjas starting firing turn to smoke several times AFTER they were long dead anytime I used a AOE power. 3 times it cost me the battle. I thought this was fixed in the last update?!
  • loroku
    loroku Posts: 1,014 Chairperson of the Boards
    Yup, this is seriously screwed up and makes today's DPD impossible. The punch ninjas (ninjas that make punch tiles) continue to make punch tiles every round after they die.

    This is how it happened for me: in today's DPD vs. 2 punch ninjas and a muscle, I killed one ninja and he generated 3 punch tiles as normal. Then I used Storm's blue to kill the second one so I would stun it and it wouldn't make more. It stunned it, it died, and then 6 new punch tiles were created! Each turn after that 6 new punch tiles were created until I killed the muscle as well. Just to make sure, I lasted one round against the next set of enemies, and they did not generate any new punch tiles.

    At this point the DPD is pretty near impossible, especially if this is an every-time thing as the above posts seem to indicate.
  • There's another forum for this. I just submitted my second ticket. The first time they apologized and gave me a token but I've tried to explain that a token is not equivalent to the iron fist cover I'm losing and the deadpool I lost before. I'm wasting lives and this is very frustrating. I'm hoping they will kick up the compensation for players like myself who are here everyday and have sunk significant funds into this game. Hopefully the fix will be here soon. Smh.
  • Azoic
    Azoic Posts: 269 Mover and Shaker
    So normally if you stun the ninjas, you avoid the tiles they generate. Well, twice now I have stunned them and they still create 3 tiles. So today it happened again, so I just used an ability to kill the second one off before the second round, and no tiles? So which way is it supposed to work??? Now we just need to kill them with an ability, or is that a separate bug from the current one producing extra tiles on cascades?
  • Eichen
    Eichen Posts: 176 Tile Toppler
    I accidently killed the last one with Hawkeye's passive power. Since two countdowns hit him I got 2 sets of turn to smoke.

    I'm not complaining, I still made it through, just want devs to know the is difference in the stun not working, multiple powers, and cascades.
  • mohio
    mohio Posts: 1,690 Chairperson of the Boards
    Came here to report this too. Killed one teisatsu and then used 4hor's yellow to get rid of the attacks and it triggered turn to smoke again. I was also running Loki and Mohawk so I dont know if the ai even got another turn but that obviously shouldn't happen.
  • There are 2 bugs with the Tsuitsu.

    The first is the TTS (Turn To Smoke) bug.
    The second is that even stunned, they still fire TTS.

    Both of these are scheduled to be fixed in R77, which I think comes out this following week.

    The work-around for this is to bring them down to a small amount of health, and then kill them with a match at the top of the board to avoid a cascade. DO NOT KILL THEM WITH AN AoE, or they will TTS every round, and every match on a cascade.

    Edit: spelling.
  • Actually there's 3 bugs with this.

    They occasionally spawn tiles without dying first, all 3 enemies up today, muscle got off 1 threaten tile and I was taking 1k damage before I killed anyone, submitted a ticket but they seemed to be responding to the issue as as if it were the issue mentioned in this thread.
  • I created an account here to express this had happened to me as well. This is a part of the e-mail from support I received.

    We deeply apologize for the inconvenience! The developers are actively working to resolve the issue, and we ask your patience as it is devised for release. Temporarily, a workaround has been devised where you can defeat the Teisatsu minion with a single tile match (i.e. not a cascade) or an active ability that does not destroy tiles or trigger one of your character's passive abilities, and the issue should not recur.

    As a token of our apology, we would like to send you a gift for the inconvenience. No further compensation will be offered for this issue.

    Your account has been credited the following items:

    x1 Taco Token


    So if anyone else has this problem in the future this is a work around. Did not help me though as they sent it after the questline was over for the Iron Fist-Black Cover. I used the token hoping it would give me the missing cover but I received a 2-star. Not fair compensation if you ask me icon_evil.gif .
  • Unsure if my other post was deleted or what. I wanted to say that this error happened to me as well. icon_evil.gif Annoying since I really liked Iron Fist when I was forced to play him at full power (teasing quest?). I loved the skill set ups and would work well with my backup team.