required character missions rewards too high

Please reconsider having missions that require you to use a specific character reward such large numbers of the points that determine rank.

it's a very unkind to newer players as those that have been around have these andthus have a far easier time taking the top slots. They then get rewarded the new character and then the very next event it occurs all over again. The same people manage to stay on top and breaking in is very hard. You need to rely on luck to get one from a recruit usually.

And yes I know this may be intended to get people to buy the packs. Truth is that it drives more away since they feel they have no chance as they can only do missions worth 100 but people with that ultra rare 4 star can get 1000 extra. Why play a game that you don't even have the illusion of being able to compete.

My suggestion. Tone down the rewards points to be closer to the rest of the missions. The simple fact they can do an extra mission already gives them an edge. No need for it to be worth so much more too. Adjust the actual completion rewards to have something unique in it that is not the same 4 items that every other mission in that event has. Having a chance at a different boost or a small chance at another cover.

These types of rewards would entice people to drop cash for Hp to get those rare character. Because right now it gets looked at as an steep incline and cash to fork out to even be competitive. This gets people to hesitate spending in the first place because they worry they will have to pay in more then they would like. But if changed they would see it as less of a requirement and more of a bonus. People are far more willing to drop cash for items to give themselves an edge vs a treadmill.



  • I agree. I'm not a fan of these missions, especially after only one event where you could have gotten the cover. Isn't it punishment enough to supply a useless base version of the character. Instead, you just lock people out completely, which means they also won't rank in this event so they still won't have that cover. It's too much of a paywall, especially if you can't directly purchase the cover you need and have to hope the lottery system gives you what you want. It doesn't feel rewarding when you have the character. It just feels punishing when you don't.
  • I am very much against being locked out of a mission because I haven't had characters good enough or been lucky enough to get a specific 3* or 4*.