continues changes by D3 to MPQ. Reason?

Hi all,


I am here to discuss changes that D3 has implemented to MPQ under the term “balancing the game”.

I will discuss recent changes only as I have only been playing for around 200 days.

When 3D says balancing the game, what exactly are they referring to? They nerfed characters like Thora and XF that people were playing with a lot. Are they balancing them to be like 3* characters? If so what is the point of being 4* when they cannot win against 3* characters?

Are they balancing them because some people spent money on them and some did not so it is not fair for people that did not spend? Then what is the point of having the option to spend money on the game if D3 will tailor to non-spenders? Yes spending is optional but if I spend money I should have the right to be at an advantage.

Reducing boosts from 3ap to 2ap only also as balancing the game; if I decide to spend the ISO to buy boosts then I decently should have the advantage over people who do not.

In simple terms, there should be nothing called balancing the games; 4* characters should be superior to 3* characters and people that spend the money should have this advantage. Game gets balanced by changing MMR like they did; I have 4* characters, I do not see 2* characters or unleveled 3* characters so what is the point of making 4* characters weaker when I mostly see other players with 4* characters; we have the same advantage or disadvantage; that is called balanced game.

The reality is, all changes are tailored to generate more money to D3, whether everyone sees it or not; here is how is really worked with the recent changes.

Thora was nerfed because she was a beast; well did not D3 run simulations on the character before releasing her? Did they not know what she can do? Of course they did; as she came in people spent money on her as we could see in a very short time that people had her maxed out; good revenues for D3. Once she generated enough cash, and we all know D3 can track what characters are out there and who is spending on what so they know how many Thora’s got leveled, they then nerfed her.

XF was out for so long and they changed him only now because he was generating good money. But as people started using XF and Thora all along, this stopped being good business as people ignored the other characters. You can see this clearly in the text that came out by D3 when they first introduced the weekly buffed characters. They said, so people do not say I bring in the same two characters with the featured one; sounds familiar? Meaning so people do not only bring in Thora and XF they did the weekly buff so now people have to work on other characters.

XF what totally destroyed; they improved his yellow which people mostly kept at 3; yes black is stronger but lost its most power of getting ap.

People used to level their other characters relaying on XF green and black so when a character had green or black they did not focus on them; Thor for example, would be 553 as for green they had XF, now with the change to XF, people need strong green and they have to go change all their characters; good revenues for D3.

If XF’s destruction was to balance the game, why bring in the Hulk Buster with his so power red? Which D3 will obviously change to balance the game once he generates the intended revenue as he now is one of the strongest.

Reality is PVP does not need balancing characters as MMR is taking care of that. D3 is focusing, in addition to making money on covers and changing characters, on making PVE harder and require more hp and ISO spending thus more money. When our characters get weaker, PVE gets harder, nodes now need 2 or 3 tries before you get lucky with the board to win, no strategy, more hp spent on health. With boosts giving only 2ap that also makes it harder and more chance our characters will die or just get more damage that you cannot go into the next node without needing health, more revenues.

When they introduced Professor X, he became a killer combo with Mystique and 2* Magneto; what did they do? They changed these 2 which people had for so long but not Professor X as he was new and did not generate enough money yet.

Why not nerf Juggernaut that D3 puts in almost all PVE’s and he only needs 6 red ap and boom your character is dead? Why improve Moonstar’s black which is also used by D3 in PVE to now steal the special tiles we put on the board to try and win our games? Why now add a 3rd ability to Bullseye 2* which D3 uses in PVE a lot? See the trend, what they use for PVE they improve and make it even harder for us.

I know some people will start arguing about how well balanced games are now but these are mostly people that just started and do not have these nerfed characters or do not spend money and want us to suffer.

If D3 wants to make money, fine but do not destroy our game. So many people quit after XF got nerfed, they saw that there is no point; D3 brings a strong character, people invest, they nerf him and bring a new stronger character so people have to invest, they nerf and bring another and so on. I am sure there are many legal clauses in the game terms and policies allowing D3 to make all these changes so they are legally covered but that does not make it ethical. If I buy something I have the right to keep it as is; want to balance the characters? Buff weaker ones or introduce now ones but do not destroy what we spent money on to make it worthless.

I know some will argue abiut how they added daily Deadpool, for easy 3* yes but does this out way the negative of the changes above? Seems this is a 3* character game and if you have 4* well too bad, your investment is a waste and just making everything harder.

And for peole telling me why not quit; well after all the money I put in.....


  • Runningwild
    Runningwild Posts: 40 Just Dropped In
    You have some valid points. I've personally been playing Marvel Puzzle Quest since launch and believe me when I tell you I've seen many changes.

    When the game first launched, the first and only 4 star character was X-Force Wolverine and he was absolutely awful.

    It wasn't until far later he was changed to a far superior and overpowered version that was the highlight of everyone's roster until he was balanced.

    I remember when Spiderman's web stun ability could be spammed to the point you could render the entire team powerless while you picked them apart at your leisure.

    Marvel Puzzle Quest is a game of many variables and equations. New characters have always made the game more exciting for fans but with it they bring a whole new array of challenges.

    Because the basis of MPQ is three on three team battles, obviously each character's abilities need to be considered with how they synergise against and with those of other characters.

    An ability that may seem amazing on paper and in equations may prove to be underwhelming or incredibly over powered once serious time is sunk into it in the wild.

    While nerfs and OP changes in a character may see like a cash grab, it is done with making sure the overall balace in mind synergises all across the board.

    I don't believe D3's goal is to promote lone wolf characters in the game that simply dominate on account of one overlooked ability hence the balance changes.

    If they ever reached a time when no more characters were being introduced, the game could be polished to a high sheen and everyone would know what they're in for.

    Marvel Puzzle Quest is ever changing and I see it as a Lego set where things are always being tacked on to make it bigger and as a result, better.

    The sad truth of the matter is when it comes to the game's pay model, neither you or I or any one player owns anything in Marvel Puzzle Quest.

    It is a pay model that simply affords someone with a greater 'experience' when playing the game over actually owning anything they pay for.

    Obviously over time, people are also rewarded with a greater experience as new roster slots, characters and abilities are unlocked but this is at a considerably slower rate than those who pay.

    So essentially, what I mean to say is if you elect to pay, you are merely reducing the amount of time it takes to progress the size of your playing experience.

    I think this is what you need to keep in mind. D3 should be commended on their interaction and listening to player feedback (they depend on us to get by and keep MPQ going as much as we depend on them to continue to allow us to enjoy the game), but it is certainly misguided to feel entitled to any one character or gameplay element being something that is yours because you paid money and that it shouldn't be changed.

    Remember - the entire game servers could go offline tomorrow leaving you with nothing. You should know your $ go into supporting the game and nothing more.

    If you are left feeling raw about this, might I suggest purchasing market stock in D3?