AI uses powers without necessary AP



  • wuweird
    wuweird Posts: 75 Match Maker
    Vynyv wrote:
    Are you sure Ares followed up Spider-Man's blue with Rampage and Sunder rather than the much cheaper Onslaught? Or maybe your entire team was stunned at one point and Ares technically fired his power on the next turn?
    Absolutely certain. Spider-Man stunned Cap in the front, then Ares immediately Rampaged the whole team for damage. No one else was stunned.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited June 2015
    I had Ares onslaught on me 2 turns in a row, long after goon was dead. I have also seen team ups go off with 0 team up AP.

    How can i record matches on android?
  • wuweird
    wuweird Posts: 75 Match Maker
    Malcrof wrote:
    How can i record matches on android?
    I really wish this feature was included in the client. It would literally take a couple of kilobytes to record all of the moves in a game, which would easily allow for a replay feature, as well as giving us something tangible to attach to support requests.

    It would be orders of magnitude smaller than even a single screenshot, let alone a full video recording, and would mean we wouldn't need to rely on anecdote and hearsay with issues like this.
  • The latest patch was terrible and has me almost ready to quit.

    Since the latest patch this has happened to me a ton. It is very frustrating and sucking almost all the fun out of the game. Like everyone else i can't screenshot every move, but the 1st time I tried inner space cadet in the antman event it happened right off the bat. I made my move, ai made a 4 black match, no cascades. I made my next move and ai started yheir 2nd turn with "a little off the top" for 2500 hp. And yhe 4 match did not include that much red as red is what i was targeting.

    In addition to powers it seems low lv enemies can down my heroes that I used to be able to use literally for hours and not have to worry about. A combo example of these 2 issues, I just lost at DPD 3rd times a charm with a strong team because 3* mags cast his yellow 9 ap protect tiles I think 6 times including a few right after each other.
  • Magere
    Magere Posts: 50 Match Maker
    I've seen this so much, as well as the number of boosts. It seems when you get the ai close to down all of a sudden you see hero boosts fly. In my game the ai seemed to love ares and obw which the ai managed to get both off without any team up ap.
  • It also happened to me with the Hulk PVE event. Bullseye was able to fire his deadly precision skills with 3 greens as I keep track on the enemies' count. There was also a couple instance where they can fire Team Ups on their 2nd term which is not possible.
  • Captain Marvel did it to me a handful of times and I'm pretty darn sure she doesn't have the AP to fire photon blasts like there's no tomorrow. I checked the count before every move I make but it still happened at least more than 4 occasions to me. Also there was one instance where it fires Team Ups when clearly there's not enough APs. Come on guys, this is taking away the fun. As we said before, we really can't capture every game to prove it but it's really happening. Please fix this. Thanks.
  • Nate7671
    Nate7671 Posts: 47
    Seems to be happening to me as well.

    Also on a side note. I think it is kind of ridiculous that the AI gets double AP every round when both a hero and goon are present. They are getting the AP for the match and then random AP as well. They should only get AP from random when all heroes are dead.
  • BlackSheep101
    BlackSheep101 Posts: 2,025 Chairperson of the Boards
    Dude, it's the AI. It's already handicapped to hell.
  • Cartoon Face
    Cartoon Face Posts: 103
    I played a match earlier in a pvp event. The ai took one turn with no cascades, then all of a sudden bam berserker rage followed by reality crush... needless to say I lost the quickest match I've ever played in less than two minutes. Unfortunately I play on mobile so cannot record gameplay.
  • So naturally after seeing this thread I decided to watch the counter for myself and to my surprise the game does cheat. Playing one of the levels Moonstone is part of the goon squad. To start off they have nothing first match for them 3 green how the f*** does that equate to 14 pink and three black no green. So I just play it off then she hits me with a move. Then she gets a decent cascade where I can't catch all that was broken but I know you don't go from 5 pink to 14 with out a pink in the column. I again get hit with another move. I go, she matches 3 black and gets another 14 pink total.
    So I end up pulling some luck and winning.
    And it goes without saying the only d*** thing you are going to say is where are your screen shots or video. And my response to that is where is your proof that the game doesn't cheat. Where is the program code that proves that 1 pink epuals 1 pink and not 13 pinks? Do you have any damn proof that can support what you claim other than what you have been telling people?
    I have screen shots but, I admit I'm not entirely sure how to get them from my phone to here. But it isn't going to do a bit of good bc it doesn't show the actual move the comp made. Within the next week I shall have video showing what everyone on here is referring to, if I can figure out a way to post it here.

    In the meantime, I suggest you get your proof ready for everyone to see as well. From a legal stand point you have just been put on the defendant stand and we are accusing you of cheating.
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    Oh yeah, that's exactly the kind of tone that will foster productive conversation...
  • BlackSheep101
    BlackSheep101 Posts: 2,025 Chairperson of the Boards
    Goons can generate a lot of AP each turn. Specific details like the goon names and everyone's level would be helpful.
  • Today this happened to me on Simulator, so no goons involved. It began to happen after I downed 2 of the enemies leaving Ms Marvel up. (Before anyone jump into conclusions, NO it was NOT her Energy Absorption Power.)

    Immediately after downing the second enemy, she used Photonic Blast and Hypersonic Punch. She matches a yellow I check the AP pool and she was left with 4 red and 0 black. (i think, ok.. AI was saving AP for other character power, it was downed, so Ms Marvel used it) I do my turn, she matches a red, going from was was expected to be 7 to a 11(!!) AND her black went from 0 to 7. No cascade, no 4-match, no energy absorption... nothing... jus a single 3 red match.

    Next turn I am hit by photonic blast again, she matches a 3-team-up and voila! another 7 black AP and 4 AP red are added. Needless to say, I am hit by both photonic blast and hypersonic punch in the following round. With only one guy left I use a power and it triggers the energy absorption. I get hit by another photonic blast and watch the black AP jump from 2 to 9 (another 7 increase) but I am downed by a attack tile before my torture continues.

    This is the most recant event i could document, clearly seeing the patten in which APs were added with no reason (4 red, 7 black). From my experience in previous occurrences, it usually happens after you down enemies