Can't play:(

I can open app. Look at characters. Select map to play choose character but it infinity loads. Haven't been able to actually play a match in over 24hrs

Things I've done:
Reset app.
Reset phone.
Uninstalled then reinstalled app.
Made sure it was the only app active.
Emailed support (granted I'm sure they have a long list)

What else can I do on my end?


  • A lot of us aré having the same issue... It had been +24 hours for me... Still no response
  • Ajayvaughn wrote:
    I can open app. Look at characters. Select map to play choose character but it infinity loads. Haven't been able to actually play a match in over 24hrs

    Things I've done:
    Reset app.
    Reset phone.
    Uninstalled then reinstalled app.
    Made sure it was the only app active.
    Emailed support (granted I'm sure they have a long list)

    What else can I do on my end?

    Unfortunately, it appears the only thing to do is wait. It's been about 36 hours or so for me, and I've only got a generic 'need more information' email from the support team.

    Edit: well, it took about 38 hours or so, but I can play matches again. No clue what the issue was, no response from customer support, but I'm glad to be back in. Now who do I have to shakedown for the rewards I've missed?
  • wade66
    wade66 Posts: 212 Tile Toppler
    I was having the same issue. It seemed to resolve itself immediately following the end of the nefarious foes event for the slice I wanted.

    Maybe somebody hacked the game to eliminate any challengers for that highly coveted starlord cover for first. icon_lol.gif
  • Thanks for the replies guys. I'm heading into day three. Over 36hrs now
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    I am seeing a few of these threads.. what devices are you using?
  • iOS 8.1
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    Well here is hoping the update fixes it. Good luck!
  • Ajayvaughn wrote:
    Thanks for the replies guys. I'm heading into day three. Over 36hrs now

    Mine works Now just when the foes event ended maybe that was it!!