R76 Wrong image for Deadly Precision TU

The Deadly Precision team-up currently shows an image of 2-star Bullseye, even though the ability belongs to 3-star Bullseye, and can be confirmed so by checking it in battle. See screenshot below:



  • Jasonzakibe
    Jasonzakibe Posts: 89 Match Maker
    Is it using the wrong art...or did the Team up get added before they announced a 2* Bullseye change?
  • Looks like the portraits for 3-star Bullseye are just wrong. Here's another screenshot from the node preview screen of a 3-star Bullseye showing up as 2-star:

  • So I actually went into that Simulation 7 node, and I discover 2-star Bullseye is in fact in it, with a green Deadly Precision powers.


    If this is what the killer update is supposed to be, then I guess it's not a bug.
  • CrookedKnight
    CrookedKnight Posts: 2,579 Chairperson of the Boards
    People in my alliance have drawn green covers for 2* Bullseye from tokens. It's not a bug, he has a third power now.