free play mode

I wish MPQ would add something to the game like a free play.

A game with no rewards and no impact on pvp and pve where we have the option to choose any character in the game (not playing from our own rosters) and they are all fully maxed so that we can experience the different characters, and it is like you can play all day att no cost.

I understand that this could be a big investment for d3 but it is not without rewards to d3.

People are more willing to invest in what they have experienced; therefore, as they try the different characters they are more willing to level them and spend on characters than when hearing about them from other players.

Also, as people play, they will be discussing how the different characters are working together which will provide d3 with more feedback on what characters are viewed to be over/under powered and require buff or nurf.


  • This is a good idea. Being able to test-drive any character ,at anytime. With no additional costs ,. Just might help players become more proficent with characters. Also if they choose to $$ for character covers at least they may feel satisified with their spending $$ .
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    It has been suggested over and over and over, basically a Shield Simulator with no points or retaliations.

    Just try your teams for a modest reward.
  • Malcrof, my point is slightly different. I am suggesting that we do nkt play with our rosters but have access to every character in the game and all being maxed
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    Samtoka83 wrote:
    Malcrof, my point is slightly different. I am suggesting that we do nkt play with our rosters but have access to every character in the game and all being maxed

    That was mine.. there were many like it. They get ignored and no dev has ever commented on one.