Did shield prices go up mid tourney?

I see they're back up to the stupid 100, 200, 400 levels again. But I could swear when I started Best There Is it was 50, 100, 200. Or am I totally remembering wrong?


  • Kev42 wrote:
    I see they're back up to the stupid 100, 200, 400 levels again. But I could swear when I started Best There Is it was 50, 100, 200. Or am I totally remembering wrong?

    There was actually another entire thread just for this assumption. Ice, I believe, locked it and said that this was absolutely false. He doesn't even believe they have the ability to change this specific spec mid-tourney.
  • They were 100/200/400 for The Best There is. You might have been confused because they were 50/100/200 on the tournament before.
  • Ok my bad. Didn't see the other thread. Thanks
  • Kev42 wrote:
    Ok my bad. Didn't see the other thread. Thanks

    No problem. Hope we helped icon_e_smile.gif