Idea - the Watch List

Killjoy00 Posts: 41 Just Dropped In
edited May 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
Almost a year and a half ago, the Devs did some nerfs that people were pretty upset about. At the same time, they let us know a few other characters that they were "looking at" - both to bring back to the crowd (Spiderman) or bring up (Invisible Woman). It took a while for all those changes to happen, but the heads up was really appreciated.

I think that the Devs could institute a watch list - a list of all the characters that they are looking at, thinking about changing, actively working on changes or anything. They could update it every season, like they used to list all the token rotations.

This would give the community clarity into what it is safe to invest in, at least for the near term. Obviously, this would not prevent emergency changes if needed. But some communication and clarity into these decisions would go a long way.

And, if the argument against this idea is solely that it might cost $$ because people won't spend on the game, I would strenuously argue the opposite. I think people are more likely to invest $$ and HP into characters that they know will be relatively static for the near term. I would love to invest in Iron Fist and Px right now, but I don't see them staying the same. So I don't. But I knew, say, Luke Cage wasn't being looked at all, I might invest there instead.

There's nothing wrong with balance changes, Devs. I think what you've done with the characters has generally been good for the game. We can always argue over one or two they could have done differently, bu overall balance changes are helpful. Just give us the clarity to know where they are going.



  • GothicKratos
    GothicKratos Posts: 1,821 Chairperson of the Boards
    This is a fantastic idea, and as you said, it has been done in the past, and I would just like to say that we likely nipped this in the bud ourselves - once they let the proverbial cat out of the bag all the forums did is bug them about it. I like to think we'd be more patient than that this time around, but my realist instincts tell me otherwise.
  • Doc L
    Doc L Posts: 279 Mover and Shaker
    I like this idea a lot, it would help a lot of us planning who we level next, or invest Hp in for covers. With the influx of Iso at least from DDQ, I don't want to waste who I put upto 166 each week.

    That said, when I first saw the title I thought it would be like 'The Blacklist', and be a list of players/forum members who need watching...