Thank your commanders today

wymtime Posts: 3,764 Chairperson of the Boards
edited May 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
As the season came to a close I think it is appropriate that we thank some of the people who truly keep this game going and that is the commanders of alliances. Commanders recruite, find Mercs, babysit player drama, motivate, and hold players accountable so we can get our alliance rewards. This is more like a 2nd full time job with no pay than a lot of other games with alliance type groups. I will start by saying thanks to some former commanders of mine coefficient, DuckyV, Xeonic-ice. All great players and commanders.
I would also like to thank my current supreme overlord Danikalil. They worked so hard this season especially since th Ultron event took away our offseason. She played sick, stayed up to he wee hours of the morning to find Mercs, recruited her butt off to find players.
The commanders do so much for the players and probably work to hard at this game. Use this thread to make them feel good today and tell them thank you and how much you appriciate the work they put in.


  • JamieMadrox
    JamieMadrox Posts: 1,798 Chairperson of the Boards
    Good idea. Now I just need a commander.

    How about this, as a former commander in top alliances, I'd like to say thanks to all of the other people that command. People don't really know/appreciate what it takes to run any alliance, let alone a top one, so congrats on keeping 20 completely different people together and focused on a goal for more than 5 seconds.
  • I only commandered briefly, when all the commanders hopped over into our PvE alliance. My job was to accept the players returning home and to remove the occasional random noob joining. Needless to say, I checked every 5 minutes. icon_lol.gif
    I'm grateful that I'm not the one who has to handle all those things normally, juggle scores in the alliance family to make sure every team reaches it goal, find mercs occasionally, recruit permanent members (which seems to be pretty hard) and yes, handle all the ensuing drama that can't quite be avoided, be it bitchfight or ragequit.
    Thanks, guys, for handling that for us.
  • TLCstormz
    TLCstormz Posts: 1,668 this somehow symbolic of Memorial Day? Wut?

    Also, not all commanders do all or any of the stuff mmentioned.

  • donietsche
    donietsche Posts: 279 Mover and Shaker
    Where's my cake, Bedelia? Where's my Commander's Day cake? I want my cake you dirty b***h! I'm going to have it!

    (let see who gets the reference).
  • Carnage_78
    Carnage_78 Posts: 304 Mover and Shaker
    Rico Dredd wrote:
    I'm grateful that I'm not the one who has to handle all those things normally, juggle scores in the alliance family to make sure every team reaches it goal, find mercs occasionally, recruit permanent members (which seems to be pretty hard) and yes, handle all the ensuing drama that can't quite be avoided, be it bitchfight or ragequit.
    As a commander, I find reward in seeing everyone meet their individual / alliance goals, get the rewards they deserve by helping them mercenary a good PvE score out for example & most of all see how everyone's roster is growing stronger every season... icon_mrgreen.gif

    It is not always a piece of cake to take care of things in the background but still very rewarding... icon_cool.gif

    It also feels very good to give back to my alliance as a commander now as they helped me out & were very patient with me for so many seasons before I could compete at a higher level. They are reaping the fruits of their own labour I guess... icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • donietsche
    donietsche Posts: 279 Mover and Shaker
    Good idea. Now I just need a commander.

    How about this, as a former commander in top alliances, I'd like to say thanks to all of the other people that command. People don't really know/appreciate what it takes to run any alliance, let alone a top one, so congrats on keeping 20 completely different people together and focused on a goal for more than 5 seconds.

    It's hard, time consuming (your team mates usually won't understand this, or simply won't care about it) and more often than not frustrating: but it's a game in the game, with its own rewards (and failures).

    Also, it let's you find out what kind of person you are under pressure, once you're put in the position to make some tough calls.
  • donietsche
    donietsche Posts: 279 Mover and Shaker
    Ideas for a(n) (anti)social experiment: a commanders only alliance should be created for a couple of days (everyone should be promoted to commander status, of course), to see what happens.

    The definitive alliance drama that would certainly ensue could then be documented for posterity.
  • Vitalbird
    Vitalbird Posts: 35 Just Dropped In
    Then let me thank my commander Kiamodo. He has captained since Seson 3, kept extremely low turnover in our alliance, he has never had a hint of drama in the alliance, always has found like-minded, drama-free individuals on the rare occasions we have replaced a teammate, keeps us in the top 100, and understands that personal life always trumps this game without having to kick anyone since he is quite the family man himself. I will drink several in your honor tonight. I mean, I would have drank several anyway, but I will make sure to toast you.
  • Nooneelsesname
    Nooneelsesname Posts: 124 Tile Toppler
    All of our Commanders are awesome!

    awlips, tintguy, Alkyoneus, Davyx, Kedran, Madeofglasz, weav, Salymander, jnutz24, saterra, Derrek, Megdar, Tinydot, blastinrob51, borke and Commanders Emeritus Bobby2613, Ironpastor, SymmeTrey, Zigram and Myles Lux

    Their (and all of our members') communication and unselfishness is the reason for what we've accomplished in the game.

    Special recognition to Kedran and Madeofglasz who are geniuses at Alliance Tetris. GENIUSES.
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,764 Chairperson of the Boards
    TLCstormz wrote: this somehow symbolic of Memorial Day? Wut?

    Also, not all commanders do all or any of the stuff mmentioned.

    It is more so because of end of season and I am not at work so I could post on the forum.
    Also some comanders don't do all he stuff I mention but a lot do. To keep an alliance together and progressing in a game like this where you need 20 people going in the same direction is hard work. I know I don't want the stress of being the top person in command especially in top alliances.
  • vcorsac
    vcorsac Posts: 13 Just Dropped In
    donietsche wrote:
    Ideas for a(n) (anti)social experiment: a commanders only alliance should be created for a couple of days (everyone should be promoted to commander status, of course), to see what happens.

    The definitive alliance drama that would certainly ensue could then be documented for posterity.
    I was once part of an alliance where one of our commanders promoted everyone. At first, everyone was mostly okay with it (after we got over the shock of everyone being promoted), and we ended up agreeing that if we were to quit the game we'd leave the alliance. At that point we frequently placed around 125. A few seasons later, we ranked around 250 at best and 500 on average due to all the inactive members we couldn't kick and the more active players leaving to active alliances. We tried to kick the inactive members via customer service, but our inactive members still logged in from time to time and CS wouldn't kick them.

    I ended up leaving after someone promoted everyone to commander a second time. I still don't know who did it as no one wanted to own up to promoting everyone. I still look up the old alliance from time to time, and I still see a lot of the same players with nearly the same rosters they had over a half year ago.
  • Der_Lex
    Der_Lex Posts: 1,035 Chairperson of the Boards
    Our commanders already get a lot of love in alliance chat, but you're right, shouldn't let any opportunity pass by to tell them they're awesome.

    Kudos to the devs as well for extending the 4* pve reward covers to top 100 instead of top 50. You've made the lives of many commanders a lot easier with the move.
  • Houtro
    Houtro Posts: 464 Mover and Shaker
    Yeah nice one OP! Much deserved, Thank you DU commanders icon_e_biggrin.gif

    "The real leader has no need to lead--
    he is content to point the way."
    .Henry Miller

  • Thank you blueflag.png mango_sentinel yellowflag.png for being an awesome commander.

    You're welcome! icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • TheOncomingStorm
    TheOncomingStorm Posts: 489 Mover and Shaker
    I'd thank them but the best commanders would tell you that being a commander is thankless job. I respect them too much to make liars out of them.