PvE scaling suggestion

alphabeta Posts: 469 Mover and Shaker
So I won't claim to understand all the dynamics at play but it feels like there are a few elements as it stands today that promote bias and suboptimal outcomes so I've tried to have a think about an alternative way of addressing.

Firstly community scaling must go - this is punishing me for how well others play the game - other way of saying that is its a way of letting the rich stay richer - why should my gameplay be affected by how many times others playing the game have beaten a node when I may have only hit it once - that just encourages lurking and vets are far more able to do runs quickly with roster diversity.

Then there is levelling.

So my proposal is as follows;

First time you hit a node the characters are 3 cover versions of themselves.
Second time you hit a node they are 4 cover versions of themselves
Third time you hit a node they are 5 cover versions.

That then locks so any future grinding you are facing a fully covered enemy.

Then there is what level do they start at

For a 'normal' node they start at the average level of the top 9 characters in your roster (I'll explain why 9 in a sec).

First three runs the level is locked but the number of covers increases as I suggested above - once they are fully covered the level goes up in a linear manner each subsequent time you fight a node - with a expectation that the node is 'hard' graded after completing 5 fights with hard defined as average level plus 20%.

Then every fight another 5 levels is added on after that to their strength.

For easy nodes you can apply same logic but the starting level is the average of your top 9 in roster unboosted and for trivial it's the average of your overall roster.

I've picked 9 roster slots because roster diversity seems to be a thing you are keen to promote and there that is your top 3 teams to attack nodes.
