What am I doing wrong

Here is my roster.
Thor 5/3/4 Lvl 36
OBW 3/4/5 lvll 35
Classic storm 5/2/2 lvl 31
Ares 3/3/1 lvl 30
Wolvering (astonishing) 1/3/3 lvl 29
Magneto (classic) 0,0,2 lvl 25
Black widow (grey) 1,1,0 lvl 15
Spider man(Classic) 1/1/0 lvl 15

A good mix of 2 stars in the 30's range as I have been trying to keep a group at about the same level (maybe I am doing this wrong don't know)

So why, in pvp does every opponent I see have have a mix of 2-3 star characters at least 20 levels higher than my own? (usually with Thor in mid to high 80s who can wax my team himself). I have to make liberal use of the skip command just to find opponents who I can defeat by the skin of my teeth. much less make any meaning full progression. my current pvp is one fight I barely win followed buy a couple hours down time. Does anyone have any suggestions they can make to help?


  • There's nothing for that but time and patience or excessive money spending. You probably joined the game fairly recently or don't play much based off your roster, so you just haven't had the time or gained the resources to level these guys up. You can try grinding the prologue if you're really patient. Otherwise keep playing events. All of youre 2 stars besides ares are fairly common so you should get any remaining covers you need without too much trouble, but dont count on getting the three stars. Remember almost every event gives 500 iso just for reaching 50 points.
  • You might have pushed your MMR (matchmaking rating, a hidden persistent rating they use for pvp matching) too high too fast by skipping a lot of teams and winning a lot. Your always given others with around the same MMR as you as opponents, so you're "progressing" faster than you should have in pvp and facing the higher teams.

    Since MMR seems to be based on win/loss ratio, what many people do is "tank" a few tournaments by sending out a deliberately weak team to lose matches in order to bring their MMR down.