Hulkbuster Repulsor Punch twice in a row

I was playing simulator round 3, the node before the 2000 iso-8 reward and I faced Hulkbuster, Ultron Prime and Vision.

I defeated Vision and as I was defeating Hulkbuster he used Repulsor Punch (requires 9 red AP and depletes it, which means it goes to 0). Then my turn and their turn and Hukbuster used Repulsor Punch again. How? HOW? And it dealt a **** ton amount of damage and with just that I lost two members.

How does AI Hulkbuster uses Repulsor Punch like that? It did not get 9 red AP during the time and none of the others could generate red AP. Just... how?



  • Scoregasms
    Scoregasms Posts: 373
    Did he use his black ability? That generates 9red AP for an instant punch.
  • I don't remember, but that makes sense. It probably was that, thanks icon_e_biggrin.gif

    This can be closed then.