Suggestion for PVE

Hey guys,

I'm not sure about all of you, but it feels like PVE is just another form of PVP to be perfectly honest. We're all competing against each other still to get the top placement and get more covers. It's starting to feel like we're pvping on both fronts...and let's not even get started with MMR.

I was curious if you guys might think it's a good idea to shift the current PVE event to "story mode" pvp. You can keep it the same format, but at least this way we're not mislabeling it.

I propose a real PVE event that happens in timed cycles as well, but this time we don't need to grind down nodes (Unless you really want). It could be like how the Dark Reign story mode is, except it's on a timer! The prizes would be static and you have a chance at the iso, hp, covers, tokens, etc. But the way that it will be different is that you will not need any placement and if/when you reach the end, you get awarded covers OR just more heroic token packs, something to that extent. I'm not proposing it be easy and I am not proposing to just give away items and rewards, but I am proposing a true story feel where I am not pitted against fellow compatriots where we actually need to grind down nodes to oblivion just to keep our spot on top of the chain.

We can even make it more fun by adding sub-achievements, such as making a 7-match in a round or one shotting the entire team with a move in order to get extra iso/hp/tokens/etc.

I just feel like since people are getting burned out having to essentially PVP in both tabs, there should really be events where we can take our time, not worry about making rank, and just make it a less hostile environment. It will bring in more casual players as well and I think overall it will be quite enjoyable.

How many of us get so angry that we place #11 or #51 when we just needed 1 placement higher for some much better rewards? Granted that this happens in PVP a lot of times too, but if we're not pitted to compete against each other then this would be a true PVE.

What does everyone else think?


  • When they introduced the progression reward only PVE (iirc, the Gauntlet?), I was super excited. I was hoping that ALL PVE's were going to move in that direction. No placements rewards. No competing because it is SUPPOSED to be Player_vs_Environment. Just play gradually increasing level teams until you can no longer fight and get progression rewards based on the levels that you reached.

    I think they need to move PVE more in that direction on a permanent basis. With exception to Events like Ultron.

    I loved the Ultron Event (When I could access it). All of my alliance mates and I widdling down this big bad evil guy together. That was awesome. It obviously needs some tweeks so not to lock players out because they couldn't play on the alliance mates schedules. But otherwise, it was fun.