Deadpool A Little Off The Top (Retribution style bug)

There was a bug with Retribution which essentially worked like this: You fire Retribution against a character with under 40% health which should instant down them, and Deadpool with full health steps in to be the star of the show. He gets instant downed from 100% health. That got fixed so that Retribution checks the current target (in case targets have changed).

Similarly A Little Off The Top is working like the old retribution bug, setting damage prior to resolution.

Fire off ALOTT against a smaller health opponent, and if Deadpool steps in to take the blow, it deals the damage based on the other characters health, not on Deadpools. He should be taking the full 65% (up to the damage cap for the skill), but takes substantially less. In my recent testing for example, where he should have taken about 6k from a maxed buffed Deadpool, he took under 2k due to the damage being based on a character with about 3k health.

Fixing it so it checks current character ala Retribution, should fix this.