This game has stopped being enjoyable, so adios

Yep, I am now completely sick of the stupid game.

Having played for about 8 months, it has come to the point where the unbearable cascades, unreasonable scaling and utter terribleness of the reward system has finally done it for me.

I just got wiped for the umpteenth time by the PvE, against a team far weaker than my own. I spent about half an hour playing and did not actually enjoy any of it. Know how I know this? because I wasn't smiling. At all. No fun. This is probably as close as I have ever come to throwing my ipad out of a window, so that tells me something.

Shame on you, D3, for ruining a game so spectacularly. I loved this game when I started, but the changes you have (unnecessarily made), and the sheer lack of communication with us, your customers, is overwhelmingly bad.

Time after time, people have posted on these forums how annoyed they are, how many people are leaving and have asked for you to respond with any decent comments about why the game is so bad now. You ignored this at your peril. When a customer becomes angry at a product, they leave it for a lifetime. Just imagine how much money you are losing by alienating so many customers. And to do it with a product like Marvel, that I have been a fan of for so many years is unforgiveable.

Yes, you will be getting a terrible rating from me on iTunes.


  • Just had max buffed 4thor cage and 220s dead pool wiped by a 100 3 storm before I could fire one ability. This game forces losses.
  • jackstar0
    jackstar0 Posts: 1,280 Chairperson of the Boards
    Based on anecdotes and conversations about the game, I have noted that people tend to minimize the value of successful luck and maximize the frustration at poor luck. I've noticed ample amounts of both in the game though.
  • Heartburn
    Heartburn Posts: 527
    jackstar0 wrote:
    Based on anecdotes and conversations about the game, I have noted that people tend to minimize the value of successful luck and maximize the frustration at poor luck. I've noticed ample amounts of both in the game though.
    in this game if you lose to luck you lose, and if you win due to luck you still lose cause they too low to play again.
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    OP, I think there are plenty of perfectly valid reasons to feel like this game is no longer worth playing, so best of luck.

    But everyone really needs to calm down on the "ai gets awesome cascades and kicks my ****! the game is cheating!!!!!!!" threads.

    Matches are often longer now in 3* because of the health shift. Accordingly, the ai has more time to collect AP. This makes a noticeable difference on the number of ai powers fired. remember that the ai is a dumbass and doesn't target specific colors or specific powers reliably. this slows it down relative to human players. So the ai problably benefits more from longer matches than do humans because it has more chances to accidentally make the right matches to get the right colors to use its best abilities. it's not the game cheating.

    As for cascades, that's pure confirmation bias. No one gets frustrated when the board starts with an available match-5 that daisy chains into two more match-5s and a massive cascade. When that happens you just win the match easily and move on to the next one. But as soon as the exact same thing happens to the ai, people are much more likely to come here and complain about how the game is cheating them.
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,758 Chairperson of the Boards
    Vhailorx wrote:
    OP, I think there are plenty of perfectly valid reasons to feel like this game is no longer worth playing, so best of luck.

    But everyone really needs to calm down on the "ai gets awesome cascades and kicks my ****! the game is cheating!!!!!!!" threads.

    Matches are often longer now in 3* because of the health shift. Accordingly, the ai has more time to collect AP. This makes a noticeable difference on the number of ai powers fired. remember that the ai is a dumbass and doesn't target specific colors or specific powers reliably. this slows it down relative to human players. So the ai problably benefits more from longer matches than do humans because it has more chances to accidentally make the right matches to get the right colors to use its best abilities. it's not the game cheating.

    As for cascades, that's pure confirmation bias. No one gets frustrated when the board starts with an available match-5 that daisy chains into two more match-5s and a massive cascade. When that happens you just win the match easily and move on to the next one. But as soon as the exact same thing happens to the ai, people are much more likely to come here and complain about how the game is cheating them.

    I very much agree. Also to everyone who gets frustrated myself included, it is because players are vested in the game. Players want the covers, want to place well, want to help their alliance, so when you lose, or get wiped out it is frustrating, because it means you have fallen behind the pace of others, it is going to cost you resources (health packs) or have to use other characters.
    For me he reason I have played for over 500 days is becuase I am vested in this way. If you didn't get mad at the game when the AI got a crazy cascade when you were trying to just clear one more node for PVE, I would be surprised.
    This game does a great job of getting players to feel like you have to play, and have to score well to advance. It is hard to play casually from point one. To the OP I would say you were truly vested in the game and that is why you got so frustrated. Enjoy your time away, and be thankful you escaped.
    I on the other hand am trapped in its web. DAM YOU MPQ, DAM YOU!!!
  • DFiPL
    DFiPL Posts: 2,405 Chairperson of the Boards
    Yeah, the '**** the AI is cheating' stuff dates back even to the original Puzzle Quest. That isn't a particularly new complaint, and as someone who's played virtually every edition of Puzzle Quest known to man, I can tell you that there are things going on in MPQ that make it look like the AI was deliberately hamstrung to cut down on the cheating allegations.

    Doesn't make it any more annoying when you get screwed by a bad board or by what seems like omniscient AI, Challenge of the Warlords sometime and then come back to MPQ and the bad beats won't seem so bad by comparison.
  • ballingbees
    ballingbees Posts: 208 Tile Toppler
    Playing this game is coming down to picking between broken scaling(PVE) and broken MMR(PVP). Sometimes there really is no sane reason to put yourself through these choices.
    The fun really is dwindling fast, very fast.
  • What they need to do is rig it so that AI can't get a cascade greater than a certain size when they have a significant advantage on you via team composition/level. Sure, I know all placement is relative to it technically doesn't matter, but Juggernaut with a green feeder doesn't need luck on top of the insane advantage he already has!
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    Phantron wrote:
    What they need to do is rig it so that AI can't get a cascade greater than a certain size when they have a significant advantage on you via team composition/level. Sure, I know all placement is relative to it technically doesn't matter, but Juggernaut with a green feeder doesn't need luck on top of the insane advantage he already has!

    But you also have to account for the massive massive handicap that is the incredibly dumb ai.

    I suspect that players would be shocked to see the overall player winning percentage in this game. We all win almost all of our matches. even when the ai is given extra levels, extra covers, and feeder goons. I don't think the devs need mix up the tile drop mechanics or cap ai cascades in any way.
  • Stax the Foyer
    Stax the Foyer Posts: 941 Critical Contributor
    Vhailorx wrote:
    Phantron wrote:
    What they need to do is rig it so that AI can't get a cascade greater than a certain size when they have a significant advantage on you via team composition/level. Sure, I know all placement is relative to it technically doesn't matter, but Juggernaut with a green feeder doesn't need luck on top of the insane advantage he already has!

    But you also have to account for the massive massive handicap that is the incredibly dumb ai.

    I suspect that players would be shocked to see the overall player winning percentage in this game. We all win almost all of our matches. even when the ai is given extra levels, extra covers, and feeder goons. I don't think the devs need mix up the tile drop mechanics or cap ai cascades in any way.

    Why would you think the players would be surprised by the winning percentage? We're the ones playing the game. We have a pretty good feel what the overall player winning percentage is, even if we don't know the exact number. That's why we get 5 health packs at a time, when a single wipe costs 3 heathpacks. The game is presumably balanced around that insane player win percentage.

    Making the matches longer tilts things in favor of the AI, both in terms of increasing the amount of damage taken per match, and increasing the likelihood of a wipe because of cascades. You may not need to address the tile drop mechanics, but the other aspects of the game that are balanced around the player win percentage may need to be reconsidered when the player win percentage drops.

    PvE has seen some changes recently with the single subs that could help with that (albeit without addressing the idiotic scaling mechanic that makes us play increasingly difficult matches for the possibility of the same 20 ISO booby prize), but the PvP structure has only been made worse with the MMR changes. I'm not quitting yet, but I'm not playing as much as I used to, and I'm sure not having as much fun while doing it.
  • I am just a normal player of this game. I don't understand half the fancy game terminology used in these replies but here is what I do know, and I hope I speak for the average player:

    1. I don't play more than three rounds in vs games anymore because after the first three games I'm matched against groups that are in their level 130s while my team is stuck at level 94 since I can't get covers for star three characters without buying random cover packs whose percentages of getting a good come seem so low it's not even worth my time to try to buy a pack. I played this game for hours, just enjoying the simple low level match ups that made casual play fun if not lucrative in terms of ISO or covers but it was fun, and now I don't bother.

    2. Mostly now I log in to play the death pool daily. I thought it was kind of sneeky that your locked out of playing for level three covers if you don't have the right level three character but I admit it got me finally spending my coins to buy hero slots for ever three star hero that I happened to get a cover for, so I really don't like it but it doesn't ruin the game for me. What I wish someone had told me was the by stacking on as many power ups as you can for the last fight all that's happening is that the bad guys scale up too! I wasted so many power ups thinking the bad guys in the final right rounds were impossibly though that I'm just devistatingly pissed off to find out that if I just don't add any power up items the bad guys are mostly easy enough to kill.

    3. Which leads me to why I'm here today and why I'm responding to this thread. Today's Deadpool daily has Hand Ninjas. I fight my battles with my best team all level 94 with Ares, Thor, and Black Widow all two stars. I'm still building up my three star characters and they don't have enough abilities to win these fights yet. But the Hand Ninjas are impossible! Having them all in the first round (I think there is four of them) all dropping red count down tiles to 2000 plus damage dealers and then when you do kill them slamming you front character with a mandatory 350 point hit is devistatingly! Last night I hit the apparently known glitch of getting 3 strike times after each dead Ninja only to get nine more when the last one died. I had no hope with a normal fight a glitches one is impossible. And I'm not hating the game for the glitch, it's annoying but it happens and I'll be sad not to get my Colasus cover but I'll live. What's annoying is that hand ninjas are too over powered. They should not be able to hit for 70% of a top star there's health in one standard hit on a red gem when the round is handicapped to not cascade red gems. Then to have them die and seed 350 point damage per round strike times when in round one you have no gems to kick off special abilities to clear the board is just aweful. I tried twice today and was wiped before the first hit of wave two. I don't think that's fair and I think it needs to be fixed.

    4. The game should be challenging but not impossible and I think the recent changes have made it impossible. The vs tournaments should allow a player to play more than one round without dying (no more of my level 94s agains 134s) so we can have fun. I have dropped money on this game, why wouldn't I when its been so fun to play, but it's out of balance in general and in the minion Hand Ninja and its sucking the fun out for the no diehard players who are very dedicated and talented but don't represent the majority of players in any game like this.
  • Vhailorx wrote:
    Phantron wrote:
    What they need to do is rig it so that AI can't get a cascade greater than a certain size when they have a significant advantage on you via team composition/level. Sure, I know all placement is relative to it technically doesn't matter, but Juggernaut with a green feeder doesn't need luck on top of the insane advantage he already has!

    But you also have to account for the massive massive handicap that is the incredibly dumb ai.

    I suspect that players would be shocked to see the overall player winning percentage in this game. We all win almost all of our matches. even when the ai is given extra levels, extra covers, and feeder goons. I don't think the devs need mix up the tile drop mechanics or cap ai cascades in any way.

    I would respectfully argue that a major influence on us winning most matches is the simple truth that we only attempt matches that we stand some chance of winning to begin with.

    In the current sim, I'm currently winning 90%+ of my matches in the 3 nodes I can actually successfully play, and losing a full and complete 100% of the remaining 6 whenever I get optimistic enough to attempt them.

    Not an argument about the merits of your total argument, but the percentage part is pretty skewed by human behavior.

  • Yup, it's frustrating that a lv 70 2* team managed to bring my lv 166 *3 heroes to like 1/3 health left with cascades after cascades. Enough is enough, I better spend my money in Marvel Future Fight instead. Good bye.
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    jackstar0 wrote:
    Based on anecdotes and conversations about the game, I have noted that people tend to minimize the value of successful luck and maximize the frustration at poor luck. I've noticed ample amounts of both in the game though.

    I always think back to a quote one of the devs of the original puzzle quest said. Can't find it, can't quote it exactly, but it was on the lines of, "We did a focus test to see how often people got cascades against how often the AI got cascades, and it seems the players need to get a cascade of 4 or more matched at least 3 times as often as the AI for the player to feel they're getting an equal amount. If it happens equally to both parties, the player feels like it's weighted against them"

    It does feel that way in a game. You get a ridiculous cascade and "OMG FINALLY. The game allows me to have one!" and the AI gets one and the result is "Oh goody, ANOTHER long-**** cascade that gives the AI every colour they need!"

    Probably if you recorded yourselves and actually counted the cascades for both sides you'd find it balances nicely at worst and you got more than you realised at best.
  • Heartburn
    Heartburn Posts: 527
    jackstar0 wrote:
    Based on anecdotes and conversations about the game, I have noted that people tend to minimize the value of successful luck and maximize the frustration at poor luck. I've noticed ample amounts of both in the game though.

    I always think back to a quote one of the devs of the original puzzle quest said. Can't find it, can't quote it exactly, but it was on the lines of, "We did a focus test to see how often people got cascades against how often the AI got cascades, and it seems the players need to get a cascade of 4 or more matched at least 3 times as often as the AI for the player to feel they're getting an equal amount. If it happens equally to both parties, the player feels like it's weighted against them"

    It does feel that way in a game. You get a ridiculous cascade and "OMG FINALLY. The game allows me to have one!" and the AI gets one and the result is "Oh goody, ANOTHER long-**** cascade that gives the AI every colour they need!"

    Probably if you recorded yourselves and actually counted the cascades for both sides you'd find it balances nicely at worst and you got more than you realised at best.
    doesn't matter if you still have to heal your guys at the end of the match.