Magnetic Flux activates delays speed shot tiles

I had mentioned this in the Teitso "Turn to smoke bug" thread but did not see any response, do making a separate thread.

Team was Stormneto with Hawkeye, in the third round of the Big Enchilada. Four Speed Shot tiles on board, with "1" turn left on each. Cast Magnetic Flux with "1" turn countdown, it appears in middle of board. Next turn, Speed Shot in upper left corner goes off, Magnetic Flux is next on board, and it destroys Speed Shot nearby. The two remaining Speed Shots do not trigger this turn. They both still showed "1" on timer. Both trigger like normal on the next turn.

Expected result: first speed shot goes off, Magnetic Flux goes off (destroying nearby speed shot), the remaining Speed Shots go off.


  • turul
    turul Posts: 1,622 Chairperson of the Boards
    If i remember right, this bug happens when a critical tile gets generated while there is CDtile resolution.

    Did u have one?
  • I do not recall. I had the issue occur again yesterday, and there was a cascade triggered by magnetic flux, but no crit tile. And this time there was only one speed sit that was delayed, two others went off fine.
  • This may be an instance of a different bug that can identical cause countdown tiles to go off at different times. If one countdown tile causes board shakeup, after the shake-up is complete, the game continues decreasing countdowns---but it does this by moving left-to-right and up-to-down. If a Speed Shot countdown tile decreases in the upper left corner, and then something like Magnetic Flux causes it to fall below where the Flux was, the Speed Shot will decrease again. In this way, you can end up with four Speed Shot tiles that are not synchronized. My guess is that you're seeing the result of some Speed Shot tiles decreasing twice, so that they ended up going off earlier than others---essentially, some tiles getting sped up rather than Magnetic Flux slowing the others down.