MPQ needs a Danger Room!

zonatahunt Posts: 251 Mover and Shaker
edited May 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
Okay, hear me out. The point of this post is to suggest something to the formumites and the developers that I think would massively benefit everyone involved.

This game has two main modes: PvP and PvE. Which mode is played and which characters are chosen to form a team and take into battle is up to the player. D3/Demiurge has consistently stated that they want to achieve maximum diversity with respect to character usage as it will make for a stronger and more enjoyable game, but mostly that the players will have more fun because there'll be more characters for us to go into battle with. That's a great idea, but it comes with some serious drawbacks. First and foremost, many of the player base have severely underdeveloped characters. Some characters sit on the bench with just a single cover, others with 13 covers but without any ISO pumped into them. Either way, characters in that state are not appealing to the player base. How and why those characters were left in such a state is a completely different topic that I won't discuss here. What I do think is important is dusting those characters off and getting them into the game. However, why would anyone do that if they know taking an underdeveloped player into battle might cost them critical PvP points, or bring forth extensive damage to two of their best players in a PvE match just because they wanted to test an unknown. Most of us consider the prospective costs and shy away from experimenting with the dusty characters, and instead go with the tried-and-true go-to's. It's just a logical choice coming to that decision. What that means to both D3/Demiurge and to the player base, is that fewer characters are being used, and consequently, fewer total matches being played. I say fewer matches being played because most players probably only play until they're out of health packs. If only the same four or five characters are ever being used, then the number of games a player can play before they've used all their available health packs is quite small. With the recent health increases to a broad number of characters matches are taking two to three times as long. Our characters are taking more of a beating. Gone are the 30 second battles where we can leave with minimal to no damage and zero attacks by others while we were fighting our match; here are the battles that leave our go-to's tattered and bloodied and three to four loses for almost a hundred points during the time it took to complete our match (the last part only applicable to PvP). This kind of experience leaves a sour taste in our mouths that doesn't want us to try new things. That's a lose-lose for a company that wants players to play, and players that want to play MPQ.

So how do we get the player base to dust off underdeveloped characters? How does D3/Demiurge get the player base to spend more HP on covers? What makes us, the player base, choose to spend that precious ISO and HP on characters we know little about?

The answer to all three of those questions is simple: we need to play with those characters at a much greater frequency than they're currently being used. Simple, right? It really, really is that simple.

Here's my solution. Create a Danger Room. In the X-men comics this was a place where the characters went to test and hone their abilities. They learned to work as a team, just as D3/Demiurge wants us to do with their 3-character team format. But, as I stated in the aforementioned paragraph, most of us aren't willing to test or hone our new or unused characters because of the risks and costs of doing so. The solution is to simply remove the risk. We would match our teams against the teams of other players, but have there be no cost. Make the Danger Room be a place where all the characters return to full health at the end of each battle. Subsequently though, there should be no rewards for the player. There shouldn't be any ISO handout at the end. No one should receive 2* covers because they won their Danger Room fight. None of the player base should be able to gain anything tangible that could progress their roster. What we would gain from the Danger Room experience would be just that, experience. We'd learn which characters pair best together. We'd understand how their abilities truly work in battle. I guarantee that many of us would begin to really like characters we'd before thought very little about. We might find that some characters only have a very specific niche in the game, but maybe that niche is one we've been trying to fill for a long time. Regardless, it'd give many of us the motivation to spend ISO and begin leveling players. Many players might be more willing to spend 1250 in HP to move a character from 4 to 5 covers because they experienced how good that character was at 4 covers in the Danger Room.

What's best though, is that everyone wins. Players have more FUN. We learn how to use our characters without the fear of there being a cost. However, in order for us to make those characters better we'd have to leave the Danger Room and actually play the game. Best yet, D3/Demiurge wouldn't experience the massive drop-off of their player base I'm sure has happened with all the recent changes. Out of health packs because of PvP and PvE battles? How about an hour-long excursion in the Danger Room while two health packs refill INSTEAD of closing MPQ and playing a different on-line game. How is that not a win for D3/Demiurge and the player that wants to play MPQ? We get to play. We get to learn ALL our characters. We would WANT to put resources into our unleveled characters. D3/Demiurge see's players playing their game for longer periods of time. D3/Demiurge generates more revenue thru players purchasing HP so they can in turn purchase an additional cover or two.

So there you have it. That's my idea to make this game better. Have a Danger Room. It'd be a world completely separate from PvP and PvE. A place where all characters enter at full health and then exit at full health after the match ends. There'd be no rewards. The reward is practice and knowledge. The reward would be a game that'd be a whole lot more FUN!


  • Heartburn
    Heartburn Posts: 527
    i think it would be worth while to add prizes once thresholds are past, i.e. 10 wins, 20 wins.... or certain conditions i.e. last man standing, or finish with less then 50 health remaining...

    otherwise, i would suspect it wouldn't be used more then a hand full of times, or when making a critical choice. it may also become the only thing some people play; why win the covers when i can play them for free.

    i personally have better things to do like post funny pics on the forum or to play on my steam account when i have down time.
  • zonatahunt
    zonatahunt Posts: 251 Mover and Shaker
    it may also become the only thing some people play; why win the covers when i can play them for free

    That's the thing, if you don't add rewards you can't progress your characters growth. That's the point. Growth must occur in-game (PvP or PvE). Experimentation and fiddling with potential teams could take place here.

    I guess I attribute it to a sandboxed character. Gee, it's fun to kick butt, but if you can't compete against others that's when the boredom of the game sets in. The Danger Room would be a place to practice things, but when it's time to really play you have to choose the format you want (PvP or PvE) so you can earn rewards.

    Also, I'm not saying you enter the Danger Room fully enter with the covers your character has at that time. You'd still need to win covers outside of the DR to play at a higher level. Anyone who's going to play ONLY the DR isn't anyone who'd spend money on the game anyways, so it'd be no loss to D3/Demiurge.
  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards
    They really do need to drop SHIELD sim and change it to the Danger Room but they likely want to keep it Marvel instead of exploiting a property that's also tied to Fox.

    I would really love a non-stop survival node, you keep going until you die to see how many rounds you reach. Once you reach round 5 you earn a 3* cover, 4* at 10 rounds, etc. They could even throw in unreleased characters as little surprises if you reach a certain round. I love DDQ survival but sometimes I wish we could keep fighting the waves!
  • If there was a danger room, many casual players would play only that. Why would demiurge spend money to develop something that earns them no money? The way they are encouraging us to use and grow new characters are by rotating characters buffs and having essential characters. The other way is by killing off our core characters in battle, forcing us to use other combinations if we want to continue to play. Further, some characters just aren't good and aren't worth the iso investment. Giving us a place to play with them without danger isn't going to change that.

    Sorry icon_e_sad.gif this will never happen.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    Take point loss away from The Shield Simulator.

  • SnakesArrows
    SnakesArrows Posts: 44 Just Dropped In
    I think it is a great idea. I would go a step further and allow folks to add or remove simulated covers and add or remove simulated levels to the characters they own. They could even allow us to pick our own opponents and the level of the opponents. Make it a true simulator. This would allow folks to see who is really powerful at higher levels and perhaps buy covers. For example right now i could by Fisk covers but have no idea if it is worth it. I know that IF is powerful, but how does he play with my roster? I can read the forums but i don't always agree with the general consensus (as it is often posted by folks with fully maxed and covered mega rosters) and would love to be able to decide for myself it it is a good purchase based upon the characters i have.
  • IamTheBiggs
    IamTheBiggs Posts: 215 Tile Toppler
    They really do need to drop SHIELD sim and change it to the Danger Room but they likely want to keep it Marvel instead of exploiting a property that's also tied to Fox.

    *sigh* I really wish you weren't right about this one.
  • Various38
    Various38 Posts: 101
    I have been saying this idea for a little while now. If D3 was worried about making money, then how about make it free-to-play on your current roster and levels and then pay-to-play for boosted characters, enemies, etc. I wouldn't make the enemies random in this either because I would want to see how my team handles ninjas for example. The currency needed to enter the simulator on custom mode is up to D3. The only way I can test things out now is to play a match that may potentially damage my characters for pve or pvp play. If I just play who I have always been using then I know most likely I will win so there goes any diversity in my roster even at the 62 slots I have (I'm still determined to find a use for Bagman). Also, to help with the time factor, they could limit the amount of times you enter by introducing a cooldown time after a number of matches played. The OP was onto something with the suggestion, and I don't think it would really be a waste of time.
  • Buret0
    Buret0 Posts: 1,591
    Would you say we'd be venturing into a zone of danger?
  • YES!

    There are a few combinTions I would love to try but haven't had the time. I want to use my lower leveled characters, but right now I really can't.

    Such a good idea.
  • udonomefoo
    udonomefoo Posts: 1,630 Chairperson of the Boards
    Yup. My thread from a few weeks ago:

    udonomefoo wrote:
    IMO one of the biggest flaws in this game is that I can't play with characters at their fully covered states until I get them fully covered. How am I going to make the choice between who to keep or who to level or how I want them covered when I won't know what the right choice is without already getting there? (Yes, I know, check the forums. That's not an optimal solution.) How about getting rid of all the garbage rewards from the Shield Sim and truly making it a simulator. As in, I can try whatever I want in there. Let me pick my characters, their levels and covers and the same for my opponents (also provide a random button for the opponents that just picks a team scaled to be competitive with mine).

    The only problem I can see with this is "if you can play with them fully leveled there, why build your own?" I don't really have an answer to that. If you can't make pvp and pve interesting and fun enough that they're more of a draw then the sim, then I don't know what to tell you. You could also find a way to limit it. Make it so you can only play a couple sims per day or make it cost something or both (first match free, then 5hp per match?).

    I'm just throwing ideas out at this point. All I know is that I don't have the time or money to ever fully max a hulkbuster and I want to play with your toys.

    Basically the response, as in here, was that yes that's a great idea for the players and no that will never happen.