Crazy scaling?

Don't play much pve and I just remembered why. Even with a 4thor I've lost 3 in a row vs hb/if/cyke. And I'm using pwrd teams!

Sorry D3 but this just aint fun. It's been said a buch of times but ffs stop punishing me for leveling up my characters... Please icon_e_confused.gif


  • Vinmarc43
    Vinmarc43 Posts: 266
    For over a year now, we have talked about and asked D3 to fix this scaling swordfish, but nothing, so my guess is that they do not give a filet mignon?

    Edited by your friendly neighborhood fight4thedream: Nothing personal, Vinmarc43, but even semi-censored words that hint at the original word are considered bypassing the naughty word filter.
  • NighteyesGrisu
    NighteyesGrisu Posts: 563 Critical Contributor
    yeah, that node is a lot of 'fun'...still not as bad as the mags/hood/goon node that used to be in TaT but bad enough.
  • DFiPL
    DFiPL Posts: 2,405 Chairperson of the Boards
    Friend of mine wiped on that node 3 times and then went to play Puzzle & Dragons.

    I made it through on the first try mostly because Groot is a bad **** who is made of win.

    (Also he heals, so **** your damage dealers.)

    But yeah, that's just an ugly group to see pop up on the preview.
  • Born2DieNPvP
    Born2DieNPvP Posts: 163
    I laughed when I saw that node was classified "easy" for me. I managed to beat it using Captain Steve and a lucky board but just barely. They wiped my LThor and Doom quick.
  • gpep024
    gpep024 Posts: 20
    My 1st node "easy" is just a meat grinder made to destroy anything in front of it. Really frustrated /diappointed.
  • Doc L
    Doc L Posts: 279 Mover and Shaker
    It depends a little. To me, the issue is that, whilst all characters are created in a similar manner, with an algorithm used to control the strengths so that the total cost of the abilities is not overpowered (see the comments on 4* Wolverine's yellow having increased damage when matched in the original alteration thread), not all characters are equal. So fighting 3* Wolverine, Thor and Daken say is nowhere near fighting 3* Beast, Psylocke and Doctor Octopus. So, when a generic scaling manner is used on a pve, it doesn't take these facts into account at all. Hence, on paper scaling a 1* shouldn't be an issue, but fighting 1* Jugganaut over level 200 is a mess.

    Either way, my scaling is knackered in this event. One clear indicator is that having carried out 2 clears now, clearing all but one node both times, I'm 30th or so in my overall group. A lot of people are struggling to clear the nodes.
  • TheOncomingStorm
    TheOncomingStorm Posts: 489 Mover and Shaker
    edited May 2015
    This seemed to fit better in this thread.

    I'll go further it's time to junk scaling altogether on both levels.

    1. Individual scaling - If I play well or get lucky enough to win without taking significant damage; then, I am penalized with higher scaling. Whereas if some one else does not play well or gets unlucky, they get a scaling break. Why are players penalized for playing well?

    2. Community scaling - This has been the worst thing about this game from almost day 1. If some other knuckleheads grind the nodes to a pulp, then other people playing correctly or more casually, they get punished. As bad as individual scaling is, at least it is based on how capable I am of beating the nodes. Community scaling does not care how tough the nodes are for me already. If other players (especially those that have easier individual scaling) have no problems with their scaling, I get unjustly and disproportionally penalized. I will be blunt. This mechanic is outdated and needs to go.

    And it's not just PVE scaling.

    1. Gauntlet - Every time you beat a node, scaling goes up. Good luck getting all four rewards from each node. It is tough enough beating each node once. Not only that, as you beat nodes, others that you have not even played once yet, scale up.

    2. Ultron Event - Yes, even the first run of the Ultron event. Scaling in the first run started out okay, but it scaled up way to quickly. It was not a gradual smooth progression in scaling up from level 1 to 8.

    Why is 395 scaling still here?

    We were told they added 395 levels because of C Mags and Spidey. They are fixed, but level 395 is still here. It's time to follow through. The cause of the 395 is gone, it's time for 395 (the product) to go as well. In fact, it's past due.

    If PVE's are not going to be true PVE's, if its going to go by player ranking, then it's time to fix PVE scaling.

    I was previously fine was PVE scaling because if vets had an advantage in PVP; then, it made sense for other players to have a leg up in PVE. Well, vets have much less fun in PVP due to MMR that makes PVP better for other players. It is time to make the converse adjustment to PVE scaling. It is time to stop the outrageous and many times ridiculous scaling of veterans. Scaling that starts so high, vets are forced to only use certain characters to have a chance. Scaling that never goes down and only gets worse with each PVE. Scaling that forces the highest scaled vets to use boosts to have any hope. No one can convince me that the status quo is not broken. Honestly, that it has gone this long without being addressed is just what seems to be shocking ambivalence.

    Different Perspectives

    There seems to be a major difference in perspective on pve. MPQ seems to view nodes as independent events. If players have strong enough characters (principally highest levels) and can manage to win a node despite the amount of devastating damage taken; then, the node and scaling is correct.

    Players seem to view nodes as sequential events. Players think they should be able to defeat nodes and still have the capacity (health left from the fight, health packs left, other strong characters, etc.) to play the remaining nodes. Furthermore, for the end of subs, players want to be able to compete with others and be able to play the nodes multiple times.

    TL;DR Too tired to type more.
  • TheOncomingStorm
    TheOncomingStorm Posts: 489 Mover and Shaker
    gpep024 wrote:
    My 1st node "easy" is just a meat grinder made to destroy anything in front of it. Really frustrated /diappointed.

    The normal (easier) nodes are on the right. The left nodes are the hard nodes. The essential in the middle are, well, mediocre difficulty. The reason for the change was that they condensed from two simulators and twenty nodes to one simulator with 10 nodes. So instead of players not being able to handled 10 hard nodes each round, there are ONLY 4.

    The hard nodes are on the left because they are guarding the ISO node. Otherwise, clearly it would have made more sense to have easier on left and hard nodes on the right due to the way the event was set up in the past.
  • I have to agree I've went from playing 2-4 hours a day to deadpool and random pve missions lately, scaling has burned me out icon_e_confused.gif
  • Druss
    Druss Posts: 368 Mover and Shaker
    Don't worry about beating Hulkbuster, IF, Cyclops as the next node is infinitely worse

    I'm facing Lv 280 Cage, Patch & Daredevil:

    Very powerful protect tile meaning all match damage is 1.
    Insane Patch healing per turn.
    Blue stuns from Daredevil.
    Insane damage from green berserker rage.
    Daredevil Purple after berserker rage = 1 hit kill nuke
    Patch Red = 1 hit kill nuke
    Cage Yellow = 1 hit kill nuke
    Cage Black cheap 2k hits.
    Full Rainbow team.
    Well over 30,000 health

    Absolutely no way to beat this team strategically just need extreme luck. So far attempted it 6 times with 6 losses.

    I'm actually tempted at this point to sell off all but my 2* characters to be able to play the game again, as the only alternative to facing nodes like this is facing endless 290/250+/200+ teams in PvP.

    My son who has been playing for 20 days now (compared with my 450+) is beginning to out score me in events!!
  • D3 says everything is working as intended *kappa*
  • Various38
    Various38 Posts: 101
    The transition period is not balanced. I'm in my 2* to 3* transition and being that my group isn't strong enough to field a good PVP win, then all I have is the PVE nodes. Being that I'm in transition, I get penalized for higher level characters in PVE, but they are still not enough to really get good placing in the PVP. I want to just stop PVE but it has been so beneficial to getting the newer 3* characters. I haven't placed well enough in months to get a 4* anything. I just lucked out about 3 days ago to get my first 4* cover in 2 months. One cover anybody is almost worthless and that's what most of the 4* people I have are. The scaling on my characters is insane, so what do I do now?
  • To chime in yet again as another 2* to 3* transitioner (for what is beginning to feel like forever), the PvE scaling is seriously swordfishing my filet mignon. icon_e_wink.gif

    I thought 12000 was going to be fairly doable over a few days, and then I saw my (100-300 point) nodes, and then my scaled adversaries. Oh yeah!

    Teensy weensy tiny kitty.
