Please Remove Healthpacks and heal heroes

Players would be a lot less gun shy if they weren't faced with the fact they will not be able to play for several hours. Please remove the health packs from play and heal the characters at the end of each match or increase the amount of them significantly and you won't see people skipping as many matches. People skip because they want to be able to continue to play the game and getting wrecked by over-matched teams will kill that prospect.


  • This would be AMAZING. But it won't happen. Maybe we can hope for a small increase in number of health packs to 7 or 10.
  • This won't happen or a simple reason, this game isn't meant to play from start to finish, it's meant to be played each and every day. If you limit the game , example by making the heroes only heal over time, then you make people want to the most out of it , so they will keep coming and coming every day to play. It's like a Facebook game , farmville for example.
  • Middnights wrote:
    This won't happen or a simple reason, this game isn't meant to play from start to finish, it's meant to be played each and every day. If you limit the game , example by making the heroes only heal over time, then you make people want to the most out of it , so they will keep coming and coming every day to play. It's like a Facebook game , farmville for example.

    Horrible way to design people lose interest when they can't play continuously. If I would not have gotten my rosters setup so I could I would have quit already.