Game doesn't Register my covers

Hi All,

Odd one here - hoping someone can help

Todays DPD is Punisher - also hes on the node in the Hulk event

I have 2 green covers for the Punisher - but hes not registered on the DPD or the hulk event, its like he doesnt exist in my roster - seems a shame to miss out

any ideas ?


  • JimmyKick
    JimmyKick Posts: 7 Just Dropped In
    I am having the exact same problem. Today's Deadpool's Daily Quest requires Blade, but it doesn't let me play. It says, "BLADE NEEDED!". I have Blade with a black and green cover. Very frustrating. What's going on?
  • JimmyKick
    JimmyKick Posts: 7 Just Dropped In
    This problem resolved itself after I used Blade in the simulator. Could have been coincidence with support doing something to my account at the same time, but it's worth a try if anyone else runs into the same problem.
  • udonomefoo
    udonomefoo Posts: 1,630 Chairperson of the Boards
    There was an error like this before where it just didn't auto select the required character. If it happens again, just try manually selecting the required character from your roster.
  • Thats the thing,

    I go to the new DPD and can see the Punisher in my roster

    Go back to the hulk event and the node that uses the Punisher and hes not there at all, yet hes available to use in the other nodes

    very odd
  • Sorry - i tried the above and completed the DPD with Blade

    That fixed it and now can use the Punisher again

    Thanks People icon_e_smile.gif
  • This also happened to me with Blade and Punisher and now Patch for DDQ, they're not being auto selected for the required character slot. Also during the Hulk event Punisher wasn't selected either .