Cannot Make Matches or Use Certain Attacks

DC1972 Posts: 77 Match Maker
The game won't let me make purple matches and uses certain attacks even though they are fully charged (Punisher Black attack).

Had this problem awhile back with different color matches but it resolved itself by its own after awhile.

Any one ever have this problem?


  • Not being able to make purpletile.png matches:

    I have never encountered this. So I cannot even begin to speculate. . . Maybe a Dev will see this and comment.

    Not being able to fire AoE's:

    Do you remember what team you were playing? And who your opponents were?

    If your opponents team was running someone like Hood, while at the end of your previous turn you may have had enough, Hood may have stolen AP from that color pool at the beginning of the Opp turn and that left you 1 less than you needed to fire.
  • DC1972
    DC1972 Posts: 77 Match Maker
    There definitely wasn't a Hood or any other stealers. I did check tile requirements and had more than enough.
  • using certain attacks - could it have been that there was no tiles available or requirements couldnt be met - i.e No black tiles on the board to create a countdown tile ect ect.
  • Buret0
    Buret0 Posts: 1,591
    DC1972 wrote:
    There definitely wasn't a Hood or any other stealers. I did check tile requirements and had more than enough.

    Were there any valid red tiles?

    Molotov Cocktail requires a Red CD tile to appear, so much like how you cannot use Loki's Trickery when there are no special tiles to steal, you cannot use Punisher's blackflag.png if there are no redtile.png basic tiles.

    This will happen quite a bit where your board is full of strike.pngeattack.pngtrap.png tiles.
  • Buret0 wrote:
    Were there any valid red tiles?

    Molotov Cocktail requires a Red CD tile to appear, so much like how you cannot use Loki's Trickery when there are no special tiles to steal, you cannot use Punisher's blackflag.png if there are no redtile.png basic tiles.

    This will happen quite a bit where your board is full of strike.pngeattack.pngtrap.png tiles.

    I thought Punisher's blackflag.png would over-ride an existing tile if there were none available? I know the AI does when they fire it off. Shouldn't ours as well?
  • Buret0
    Buret0 Posts: 1,591
    Buret0 wrote:
    Were there any valid red tiles?

    Molotov Cocktail requires a Red CD tile to appear, so much like how you cannot use Loki's Trickery when there are no special tiles to steal, you cannot use Punisher's blackflag.png if there are no redtile.png basic tiles.

    This will happen quite a bit where your board is full of strike.pngeattack.pngtrap.png tiles.

    I thought Punisher's blackflag.png would over-ride an existing tile if there were none available? I know the AI does when they fire it off. Shouldn't ours as well?

    Possibly... I really don't use Punisher often enough to know the answer.

    I do know that when I can't use an ability, the culprit is often that there isn't a valid place to put the tile. For example, Mystique requires a purple tile for Shapeshift. Hulk's Anger won't fire if there are no valid places for a black anger tile to show up. Daredevil can't fire his purple if there are no special tiles to blow up.

    2* Wolvie's Feral Claws are different, because they can deal damage even if there is no place left for more red strike tiles.

    Maybe there were no Red tiles anywhere on the board at all, but I'm guessing that it was more likely that there were no red "basic" tiles on the board.
  • DC1972
    DC1972 Posts: 77 Match Maker
    Thanks, I'll have to remember to check for requirements of tiles on the board although it happened with several different powers. Made it hard to win in Deadpool daily. Still can't figure out why I couldn't make certain tile matches although it ended up fixing itself again after awhile.
  • Dekliko1978
    Dekliko1978 Posts: 93
    DC1972 wrote:
    Thanks, I'll have to remember to check for requirements of tiles on the board although it happened with several different powers. Made it hard to win in Deadpool daily. Still can't figure out why I couldn't make certain tile matches although it ended up fixing itself again after awhile.

    Sometimes when my WiFi connection fails on me it won't let me make matches either. So I have to wait my phone either decides to switch to 4G or picks up the signal again.