R76 issue - Please read if you play on multiple devices

Demiurge_Will Posts: 346 Mover and Shaker
Hi, all,

If you play Marvel Puzzle Quest on multiple devices, there’s an issue in R76 that can lead to losing progress that you should know about.

When the game tries to send multiple saves to the server quickly, under worse than expected network conditions, sometimes only the first one will successfully upload. This isn’t a problem if you continue to play on that device, but if you switch devices before the game tries to send another save to the server, you’ll download the data from that first save.

This can lead to losing the progress that you made between the first save that was queued up to be sent to the server and when you switch devices.

We’re looking into a solution for this, have turned off the popup that recommends players update to R76, and I’ll keep you updated when we know more.

In the meantime, taking an action that forces a save (like toggling a notification preference in the options screen and closing the window, starting or completing a mission, or joining an event) before switching devices will reduce the risk of data loss, and playing on just one device in R76 will avoid the risk entirely.


  • If we've updated on one device but not another, do we only need to worry about this on the one we updated on?
  • rawl316
    rawl316 Posts: 114
    Ben Grimm wrote:
    If we've updated on one device but not another, do we only need to worry about this on the one we updated on?

    Ben, I believe if you've done this and played on the device you've updated, you're screwed.

    I'm obv no expert, but it appears to me that it's having trouble pushing it to fb. I'm not certain of that tho.
  • IamTheBiggs
    IamTheBiggs Posts: 215 Tile Toppler
    Okay, this explains the problems I've seen. Thanx for the update.
  • Arondite
    Arondite Posts: 1,188 Chairperson of the Boards
    >open 10 Pack Heroic
    >check pulls
    >keep playing
    >quickly swap devices and try again

    fix pls
  • IamTheBiggs
    IamTheBiggs Posts: 215 Tile Toppler
    I am not so sure that this workaround actually works. Upon switching devices and "logging in to Facebook" on the secondary device, it doesn't update from the primary device. Today was a pretty good Taco Tuesday, so I'm afraid to move further...
  • jdkrausey
    jdkrausey Posts: 13 Just Dropped In
    This workaround doesn't work for me. I get new reward notifications on the "second" device. But no progress is kept saved. Are those rewards lost now? They are obviously being pushed from the server so why aren't they saved? I'm worried I'm going to be screwed over because of this...
  • Philly79
    Philly79 Posts: 422 Mover and Shaker
    workaround does not work, tried numerous things on my secondary device (Samsung Centura Android 4.0.4) including uninstall, cannot get it to sync after tutorial matches. Interesting though I figured I would try one last time before bed and jumped on my phone and I was presented with a lightning round placement reward of iso...seems to be that it is only syncing on my tablet, which was updated first.
  • bender
    bender Posts: 39 Just Dropped In
    R76 just auto-updated on my tablet... Have now turned auto-update off for everything - just because of MPQ.
  • klonewarrior
    klonewarrior Posts: 19 Just Dropped In
    I had this issue pop up when I had my phone die. I wasn't in a match but in game. I recharge the phone (Galaxy S4 with whatever the AT&T current OS is), and fire up MPQ. I get in and all of a sudden its back to day zero having to go through the tutorials.

    I play through the tutorials so I can reconnect to facebook and pull up my roster, and it just won't pull it from the server.

    In the mean time I am getting slaughtered in the Simulator, and in the PvP Collosus battle. Getting gifts from people, getting my rewards from Hulk, etc...that are all lost now. NOt to mention I scared to death that I am somehow going to overwrite my roster with this day 1 roster with a 1 cover 1 star Iron Man.

    Ive deleted the game and tried over and over and it just wont pull my game file and progress from the server.

    Kinda bummed that I can't even get the Daily Deadpool cover, and Im just a few hundred from the 10 pack in season play....

  • Cousin Simpson
    Cousin Simpson Posts: 1,086 Chairperson of the Boards
    My secondary device (phone) also auto-updated to R76, and I've confirmed that now it's out of sync with my tablet (primary): last night I opened all of my standard tokens (40+) on my tablet, played a few matches in Fresh Cuts, then closed everything up, but on my phone, I notice that I have all of the standard tokens again (though I ~think~ that my Fresh Cuts points total is correct-ish).
  • I only play on one device on a Samsung Galaxy S4 which I sync to facebook so I don't lose my game if the phone is lost. Since the update to Android 5 the game keeps locking up and crashing my phone. Yesterday it said my phone data was corrupted so I uninstalled the game then reinstalled it and tried to sync to facebook. All of my game data is lost. The only thing syncing with facebook did was keep me in my alliance so I'm getting alliance rewards but all of my game data is gone. Help!
  • ces319
    ces319 Posts: 10 Just Dropped In
    I had the exact same problem as klonewarrior. I was playing this morning and my phone died erasing multiple years of progress. ****!

    My Lost Roster: 46 slots
    Four stars:
    Wolverine X: 5
    Invisible Woman: 3
    Nick Fury: 3

    Three stars:
    Beast: 7-8 covers
    Black Panther: 5
    BW GS: 13, lvl 130
    Blade: 2 covers
    Lazy Cap: 7
    Colossus: 7
    Cyclops: 5
    Daken: 8 (and I was top 60 ranked for the Hulk event so I had one or two more coming if I pushed today)
    Daredevil: 9, lvl ~120
    Deadpool: 1-3
    Doom: 9, lvl ~117
    Falcon: 7
    Gamora: 4
    Hood: 7
    Hulk: 13, lvl 140
    Human Torch: 6
    Iron Man M40: 13 covers, lvl 128
    Kamala Khan: 3
    Loki: 8
    Magneto: 8-9, ~lvl 100
    Mystique: 11, lvl 140
    Psyclocke: 7
    Punisher: 8, ~ lvl 90
    Quicksilver: 7
    Ragnarok: 5-7
    Rocket & Groot: 7
    Scarlet Witch: 8
    Sentry: 5-7
    Spider-Man: 13, lvl 158
    Squirrel Girl: 2
    Storm: 13, lvl 135
    Thor: 2
    Vision 1
    Wolverine: 13, lvl 145

    Also for one/two stars, I had a maxed OBW, Daken, Magneto Now, Storm Classic, Wolverine, and Thor (only lvl 85), and Juggernaut.
  • ces319
    ces319 Posts: 10 Just Dropped In
    I had the exact issue as hahamice and klonewarrior. Been playing for years. Had a 46 slot roster with multiple 13 cover 3 stars and many others with 7-11 covers. Ridiculous.
  • Philly79
    Philly79 Posts: 422 Mover and Shaker
    Why do you taunt me D3? My phone is not synced but it was working yesterday. I played this morning on my tablet and ran through the DDQ (I was one of the lucky ones to not get wiped by the TTS bug), toggled settings multiple times, closed the app (held home button and wiped away), restarted to ensure a save and all was good. Got to work and started getting alerts that I had been attacked in pvp so I checked to see if I was still synced. Answer was a big fat no, iso is way off, I spent 5800hp yesterday to buy heroic packs and pulled 11 useable gold's including xf yellow (my 1st) and two new star-lord covers (both 1st's). None are on my roster on my phone, I did see that I was not logged into FB but did not mess around with trying to save or join/ complete any missions. I also noticed that only the main Hulk event is available even though I ran through it last night to get a head start on the sub event to "try" to maintain my position if I was not able to play during my time at work. Also the DDQ is saying "new" as it did the other day - even though I ran through it this morning. It seems that pvp is syncing do to attacks and points. When this all started the other day my pvp scores were pretty consistent across both devices, it was covers, iso, and hp the were out of whack.

    If I check my tablet when I get home after work and everything I gained yesterday and this morning are gone, I will be boycotting this game. People work too hard to get covers, build up their characters, and in my case spend real money just to have everything wiped away by some **** bug that should have been caught during testing prior to going live. However, I do have a comprehensive database current as of this morning (after DDQ) with all characters and covers, token count, and iso/ hp totals so I keep a very close eye on my profile as I have invested a ton of time and money to get to where I currently am.

    Like the few posts prior to mine: with the possibility of months/ years being wiped out by an update that was suppose to "fix" things I can see people avoiding this like the plague with the time, effort, and money that they have put into this game, unless there is some reassurance that their save data can be recovered. Although the one post reported an Android 5 issue which is known to have compatibility issues with this game.

    Edit: Still getting pvp notices of being attacked - good thing I wasn't trying for the 4k progress heroic 10-pack or anything.....or lightning round iso/ tokens.....or Hulk event/ placement rewards.....or to get a nice lead on the simulator event....

    I am not a coder but couldn't you guys just emulate R75, rename it to R77 and launch it? The biggest issues with R75 were minor in comparison to the cluster "F" that is going on now....
  • Philly79
    Philly79 Posts: 422 Mover and Shaker
    Guys/ Gals,

    Just saw this on the other thread:

    Demiurge_Anthony wrote:
    Hey all,

    We have the fix going through the testing and approval process. At this time, we recommend that users only use one device. Once the R76.1 patch is made available, you will be able to save your progress between multiple devices again. Sorry for the inconvenience.

    Thanks for trying to get this resolved asap and the update Anthony. Will it be a silent update or a manual one?
  • I was having the same errors as "ces319" yesterday. But since the wording of the start game alert message changed to only using one device, yesterday after playing all my missions twice because of lost progress, I have stuck to one device since. My phone. I would rather use the tablet due to screen size but I don't wanna switch devices & risk losing more than just 1 day's worth of progress.
  • ces319
    ces319 Posts: 10 Just Dropped In
    I just did some back of the envelope math on how much it would cost me to rebuild my roster using cash. These numbers might be slightly off, but if anything, it's low because of assumptions I made to make the math easier. The other thing is that I experienced this error this morning and had been using only one device since yesterday afternoon when I accidentally loaded the iPad version out of habit. There was no error after that, but this occurred when my phone lost power this morning on the way to work in the middle of a Hulk PVE battle.

    Total Cost: $2306!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I'll show my work. If anyone is curious I have google spreadsheet for this.

    Iso-8 cost: $1100

    1. 3-star characters: I used the MPQ wiki to determine how much it would cost to level characters the characters using R75 column.
    2. 2- star characters: I used MPQ wiki's figure of 69530 and multiplied it by .85 since as of R75 it now takes 15% less iso-8. Even though I didn't level 2 star Thor all the way (85), I'm assuming I maxed him.
    3. Levels: BWGS (130), LazyCap (89), Daken (89), DD (120), Doom (111), Hulk (145), IM40 (130), Mags (100), Mystique (140), SM Classic (156), Storm Mohawk (135), Punisher (91), Patch (145)
    4. I did not consider all my three star characters, just the ones for which I could approximate their level and were leveled beyond 80. So this number is low. (Eg., I know I had Falcon and Loki at 58, but I omitted them to save time.)

    Total Iso-8 Required for 3-stars: 492637

    Total Iso-8 for 6 2-stars (OBW, Daken, Storm, Thor, Wolverine, Mags NOW): 354603

    Total Iso-8 for Juggeranut: 18720

    Sum: 86590

    Each Iso-8 Mother Lode = 78k, 86590/78k = 11.10 x 100 (cost of Mother Lode) = $1110

    Hero Points (roster slots):

    The cost of 46 roster slots per MPQ wiki is 13075.

    Hero Points (Covers already owned)

    When I added up all my 3-star covers and excluding all the 1, 2, & 4-stars (8), I had 245 3-star covers.

    Probability of drawing a 3 or 4 star cover using 40 pack Heroic = 30.3%. (39 total 3 star covers x .7 + 10 4 star covers x .3)

    That means I would have to purchase 808 tokens to win 245 covers. (808 x .303 = 244.8)

    808/40 = 20.2 (# of 40 packs I would need).
    20.2 x 11200 (cost of 40 pack) = 226240

    Total HP needed (roster slots + covers): 239315

    239315/20000 (Stark's Salary, cost $100) = 11.96 x 100= 1196

    $1196 +$1110 = $2306
  • Demiurge_Anthony
    Demiurge_Anthony Posts: 156 Tile Toppler
    cynder9792 wrote:
    Guys/ Gals,

    Just saw this on the other thread:

    Demiurge_Anthony wrote:
    Hey all,

    We have the fix going through the testing and approval process. At this time, we recommend that users only use one device. Once the R76.1 patch is made available, you will be able to save your progress between multiple devices again. Sorry for the inconvenience.

    Thanks for trying to get this resolved asap and the update Anthony. Will it be a silent update or a manual one?

    Hello Cynder9792,

    The update will require an update from the app store for your device.
  • Philly79
    Philly79 Posts: 422 Mover and Shaker
    thanks for the reply Anthony, any eta?
  • I have a new phone and i play the first two matches and when it tries to continue it wont load at all i have full signal and it wont load past the first two matches