Please fix the PvP reward counter screen...

Carnage_78 Posts: 304 Mover and Shaker
There is nothing more frustrating than getting a win in PvP & then seeing the points counter screen update my total score to tell me that I got over the line for a reward only to see 2 seconds later that I got hit by a defensive loss & that my points total did not actually cross the reward line. icon_e_confused.gif

I get it that it is not a bug & just a question of timing as I actually got hit before the end of my fight but still it is a major bummer to think that I got it but in the end did not.

It just happened to me in the Made Man PvP...the screen told me that I got over the line for the Vision redflag.png reward but actually fell short because of a defensive loss. icon_eek.gif

Please fix the behaviour of that screen by either giving out the reward if the screen said that I got it or at least display the correct points total in the update screen in the first place to begin counting at your actual score after your fight which would including any loss I might've gotten during my own fight and tell me that I did not reach the reward during my fight.

Thank you... icon_cool.gif