Major bug in the hulk event: Osborne's new scheme match

4eric16 Posts: 19 Just Dropped In
It's happened to me twice already. My lineup consists of the 3 characters provided for "free". 2* wolvie, colossus, & nick fury.

So I start the match building up yellow to activate Colossus' Immovable Object skill.

2nd priority is Red AP to activate his Colossal Punch Skill which does 2840 to the primary target and 1145 to the other 2 enemies when he is IN FRONT.

3rd priority is green AP for Wolvie's Feral Claws for strike tiles before I use Colossal punch.

Once I save up AP for all 3 skills I activate them in this order:
1. Immovable Object (putting Colossus in FRONT)
2. Feral Claws for Strike tiles
3. Colossal Punch for team damage

Here's where the glitch comes in. When I use Colossal Punch after Feral Claws it only does damage to the initial target and it does not do damage to the other members of the enemy team. (TAKE NOTE: I have the IMMOVABLE OBJECT COUNTDOWN TILE in play meaning it's active and Colossus is in FRONT.)

Also the strike tile modifier does not add to Colossal Punch's damage.

I am sure that you can replicate this. Just give it a shot. Hopefully it gets fixed soon.

P.S. Tried again without using Feral Claws ( Skipping 2nd Step) and Colossal punch applies the correct damage to the initial target and other enemies. Which means using feral claws before Colossal Punch causes a glitch in the game somehow.

MPQ Username 4eric16


  • Arondite
    Arondite Posts: 1,188 Chairperson of the Boards
    It's because of the order you're firing the skills - firing Feral Claws puts Wolverine "in front" (see how he moves to the position closest to the enemies?)

    Colossus' "Colossal Punch" doesn't care if he has a yellow tile out or not, it checks to see if Colossus is in the position closest to the enemy.
  • 4eric16
    4eric16 Posts: 19 Just Dropped In
    Okay cool. I'll try changing the order of firing the skills to see if it makes a difference.

    1. Feral claws
    2. Immovable Object putting Colossus in "FRONT"
    3. Colossal Punch

    Curious to see now. Thanks man
  • 4eric16
    4eric16 Posts: 19 Just Dropped In
    Changing the order worked. Thanks again. Haha
    It's been a long day. Lol
  • Arondite
    Arondite Posts: 1,188 Chairperson of the Boards
    No problem, happy to help where able.