Want to truly promote roster diversity in PvP?

cletus1985 Posts: 276 Mover and Shaker
edited January 2016 in MPQ Suggestions and Feedback
How about a new style PvP for vets? All the mechanics could be kept relatively the same, but you enter with your entire roster and your characters health resets after every match unless they're downed. If your character is downed they are out of the tournament and can no longer be used (hope you have reserves). There is no points lost or gained on defense and points accumulated are directly tied to your opponents roster level. Want to beat up on a one or two star team? That's fine but it won't get you far, take on 3 maxed 4 stars and those points are going to be worthwhile but you better hope an unfriendly cascade doesn't eliminate you.

I'd love having this style of PvP run as an alternative to normal PvP, let the newer players take that style over and let the advanced rosters play in their own form.

Obviously no point loss eliminates shields so I would suggest making this a buy-in tournament, since we know that revenue stream has to be replaced.

The functionality of the resetting HP could be the problem with this ever getting implemented though. My suggestion would be that any damage taken outside of the tournament carries into the tournament unless you heal using health packs, that way you can't game the system to heal characters (unless your willing to take the risk of losing them by going in with depleted health). If your character is downed in the tournament normal health regeneration or health packs will be required outside of the tournament, they will simply be banned for the remainder of the tournament regardless of whether or not you heal them.

Obviously this a rough draft idea that would probably require a few tweaks, but I think it would be a solid foundation for a new end game for vets and something to strive for with newer players.

The biggest complaint I could see coming is that some vets may choose to dominate the old style PvP, but the incentives to do so would probably be drastically reduced due to far fewer points being available for progression rewards.

This thought actually got me excited about the prospect of a mode like this, so let me know what you think and what could be done to make it even better or if you hate the idea let me know why (please at least add some constructive criticism, don't just say I hate it).


  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    anything that will let me transition faster, I'm for. if you take some vets out of pvp and the rewards stay the same, t100 would be back to what it was before the mmr update - much easier. I used to be able to place without shielding and 500 would many times get you t100. now its harder to get there and you need 600 to place and no chance of staying there unshielded - you have to shield or you don't keep your points.
  • Unknown
    I hate it. Because I didn't think of it.

    I actually read somewhere that health packs don't bring much revenue (on my phone, so not willing to search for a link), and there have been several calls to do away with health packs altogether, or to only make them necessary for downed characters. I like the latter. So honestly, I don't think your idea will meet much resistance.

    And I think it brings out a new facet of the game's design. I often feel like stamina is a key to doing well, but this would be a different sort of stamina. And I do think that the vets would like this.

    What are your ideas for alliance play? I don't think we should go so far as alliances being able to provide heals or anything, but I do feel like there should be a non-standard use of alliances here somehow.
  • cletus1985
    cletus1985 Posts: 276 Mover and Shaker
    Resurrecting this idea due to stale gameplay losing my interest. Would still love to see something along these lines.