Just some forum activity statistics

So I'm reading over the Thick as Thieves thread and see it's on page 77. Seemed like a lot to me and went back to compare to previous threads. No surprise that the PVE events are the biggest. Just thought I'd share the numbers. Interpret how you want.

New PVE! - Thick as Thieves
1529 replies, 25100 views (and growing)

How the Hulk scoring system works ?
663 replies, 15972 views

The Hunt
735 replies, 11790 views

Unstable ISO!!!
499 replied, 8203 views


  • That's not really surprising considering the only other events are pvp and there isn't really anything to talk about. With PVE something is always being changed or new or broken and everyone it trying to maximize gain/minimize loss or complain/converse about the broken/newness of the event.
  • Yeah, especially for events with sub-brackets.

    And I think the more events we all do together the more interaction there is on the forum and more and more users sign up over time.
  • More than 200 new users have joined since Tuesday. That's was more than a 10 percent increase over the previous userbase.