Doctor Octopus Armed and Dangerous Bug

Xeonic-Ice Posts: 176
So I'm classifying this as a bug because either the description of the ability is wrong or the order of operations is wrong.

"Deals 875 damage to all enemies, THEN stuns a random enemy for 1 turn, strengthens a random friendly special tile by 103, and steals 1 enemy Green AP"

Currently everything is simultaneous but going by the description the damage should hit first, killing any low hp characters if possible, and then stunning a random character after damage has been dealt.

Far too often the stun hits a character that's immediately downed, and again based on the description, this shouldn't happen.


  • LambadaDave
    LambadaDave Posts: 129 Tile Toppler
    Thank you! I was annoyed that I stunned the fellow I was in the process of delivering a death blow to.