D3's attempt and success at perfection...

Hey there D3 ,

Want to know something you NAILED in MPQ? Deadpool's Daily Quest.

As a looong-time (500+ days) 2* to 3* transitioner, my experience with DDQ not only kept me from deleting MPQ, it spawned an excitement for the game I had not previously felt.

As a result of DDQ, I:
1.) Searched for this forum.
2.) Started taking my character selections seriously.
3.) Began to discuss, develop, and play MPQ with actual technique.
4.) Saw tangible improvements in both my anemic roster and my ability as a player.
5.) Began playing PvE & PvP with dramatically increased motivation, including my first T20 PvE and my first T3 PvP finishes (both things I had not previously done with even marginal regularity)
6.) Finally saw the benefit of spending money! If I can actually foresee getting 3-4 covers on an important ability, that next one is well within my grasp... like, right now. icon_e_wink.gif

DDQ is like a microcosm for MPQ progression. When I started, I could only do a couple portions. As I got better, I progressed to being able to do all but the BE. Recently, I have succeeded three times in the past few weeks, and my stable of 1/2-cover 3*s are beginning to show small but satisfying signs of eventual viability!

I'm writing this at this particular moment because I completed the BE for the third time today (I know, I know, but it's a lot to me) and it made me realize, DDQ is the one place in this game wherein I am not competing with anyone but myself, I can actually see tangible evidence of my incremental improvement as a player, I don't have to invest 96+ hours to see a decent reward, and I generally feel GREAT after playing it!

Seriously. For all the things I could complain about, this is one component of the game that you executed with MASTERY.

Well done!



  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    DDQ has been a savior in transitioning. Here is something you may want to read through, helped me quite a bit..


    and for the record.. the first team i started to beat it regularly with was 2* Thor 3/5/5, OBW 3/5/5 and 2* Marvel 5/5/3

    by the time you get to round 4, you should have maxed AP in all but blue and purple (stealing and healing/countdown timers with OBW)

    Unload on their strongest with thor greenflag.png , rotate to 2nd strongest with Thor greenflag.png , give the 3rd person a Thor yellowflag.png to get some more green, then go back to whoever deserves it and Thor yellowflag.png again if you have the AP, this usually cascades into another Thor greenflag.png .. if not, use Marvels redflag.png to lower each to under 1k.

    Finally, hopefully you have stocked enough blackflag.png to use Sonic Boom 2x (usually won't take that many), always save that for very last, as it drains another AP, which is why you use all your other colors first.

    Now i have a 3* lvl 152 Thor 5/5/3 (yah i know, need to re-spec if i can find some greens....) but i still use 2* Marvel and OBW to this day. I finish every day. Hope this helps!!!

    Congrats on your finishes, it is a great feeling isn't it?
  • My strategy is almost the same. Rather then bringing ms Marvel, i go with X-force, even after it was destroyed by the nerf. Thor 3* 3/5/5 gives me all the damage i need, so i use X-force to help OBW clear tiles. The blackflag.png power destroys the strongest enemy color tiles, which is usually the color the countdown tiles spawn on.

    It also helps with board "shuffling" and to have someone to take the damage for the team if possible.