Your Best MPQ Moment of the day (positive thread)



  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    And LT at 144.  :D
  • Akoni
    Akoni Posts: 790 Critical Contributor
    My winfinite combo of BRB/Polaris/1*Juggernaut versus 4*Juggernaut/Polaris/4*Grocket. Started off accidentally selecting that team. Expected my puny Jugg to succumb to the worthy one's AoE. I didn't even get a chance to kick-off the combo. Enemy Juggernaut went down quick. I stunned the enemy Polaris and took her down. Finished off the Grocket for the win with zero fatalities.

    Did not see that coming.
  • Akoni
    Akoni Posts: 790 Critical Contributor
    I used my free token for the Disney+ vault and got the LL token. That one pull got me an Ultron black cover.
  • BlackBoltRocks
    BlackBoltRocks Posts: 1,213 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm not enthused by Gamora, so decided to spend some CP in Classics. The 5th pull got me Peter Parker Red, which finally completes him at 4/4/5. That also helped me reach the 47 5* champed milestone, so my Dino is looking very dapper now.
  • Akoni
    Akoni Posts: 790 Critical Contributor
    Jumped into the Fist Bump PvP to satisfy some milestone requirements. Went up against IF/Grocket/Polaris with IF/Sabretooth/Polaris. First turn was a red match-7 with an enemy's strike tile. The following cascade downed Polaris and took a chunk out of Grocket. Fired Sabre's black to knock Grocket down some more, then fired his red to finish him off and deal a little damage to IF. Second turn, Polaris did her job leaving IF with almost no health. Ended the game in 2 turns with an unnecessary match-4.
  • Sekilicious
    Sekilicious Posts: 1,766 Chairperson of the Boards
    Akoni said:
    Jumped into the Fist Bump PvP to satisfy some milestone requirements. Went up against IF/Grocket/Polaris with IF/Sabretooth/Polaris. First turn was a red match-7 with an enemy's strike tile. The following cascade downed Polaris and took a chunk out of Grocket. Fired Sabre's black to knock Grocket down some more, then fired his red to finish him off and deal a little damage to IF. Second turn, Polaris did her job leaving IF with almost no health. Ended the game in 2 turns with an unnecessary match-4.
    Polaris/Sabertooth v. Grocket is one of the most sure ways of getting a favourable cascade and filling the board with your strikes in a few rounds. Unless Sabertooth is required and placed ahead of Polaris. It is so much fun.
  • Akoni
    Akoni Posts: 790 Critical Contributor
    edited November 2021
    I got 4 LL tokens through progression rewards and decided to use them since I need more Shang-Chi coves. Got...

    Domino... cool
    5* Gamora yellow... yay, now at 1/1/1
    Prowler... meh
    Ultron blue... nice, now at 3/2/0

    Didn't get a SC cover, but I'm not gonna complain with a rate of 50%.

    *Update: 11/25
    I got a 100% pull rate. Used 1 LL token and got Gamora black. Not complaining, but where's Shang-Chi hiding?
  • TheEyeDoctorsWife
    TheEyeDoctorsWife Posts: 831 Critical Contributor
    dianetics said:
    Been pulling LL hard for the last month trying for SC the last week or so just getting Ultron :|.

    Decided to save up some cp got to 100 today.

    Hit LL and made my 4 pulls.

    Taking me to 12 covers 453.

    The best 5* run I’ve ever had, and it was on my shartget to boot.  Not far off from champing him with shards.
    The odds of that are 160,000 to 1 , it’s probably easier to get struck by lightning. Congratulations!
  • Godzillafan67
    Godzillafan67 Posts: 640 Critical Contributor
    I was down to my Nightcrawler vs the AI's 18,000 health Juggernaut in The Danger Room. Purple was flashing, and, sure enough, purple was the prevalent color on the board. The BAMFinite started and didn't let up until I had 30 AP in all colors and Juggs was down to 2000 health, at which point red took over as the prevalent board color. Needless to say, Nightcrawler then went Everywhere At Once and won the match.
  • shardwick
    shardwick Posts: 2,121 Chairperson of the Boards
    Just champed Gamora to make her my 30th champed 5*. Not too bad. 
  • Sekilicious
    Sekilicious Posts: 1,766 Chairperson of the Boards
    I admire this commitment to soft capping and hoarding. 
  • dianetics
    dianetics Posts: 1,707 Chairperson of the Boards
    Jormagund said:
    I'd left my unchamped four stars softcapped at 260 and saved up some ISO; today's the day I champed the last 40, aside from Echo.  With saved covers and shards they now sit between 273 and 306.  To celebrate I also broke my hoard of Heroics and Mighty Tokens; and yes I was thankful for the open 50 button.
    Heroic Tokens.
    1,571 tokens: 1,145 2 stars (72.88%), 352 3 stars (22.41%) 15,710 shards and 2,050 bonus shards, 74 4 stars (4.71%) 4,713 shards and 750 bonus shards.  Bit disappointed to be so far off the expected rates for 4 stars but at least I got more 3 stars than expected.
    3 ten packs: 23 2 stars (76.67%), 6 3 stars (20%) 360 shards, 1 4 star (3.33%) 120 shards.
    Mighty Tokens.
    1073 Tokens: 915 3 stars (85.27%) 13,949 shards and 1,700 bonus shards, 158 4 stars (14.73%) 3219 shards and 750 bonus shards.  Five covers more than expected and after the bad run on the heroics happy with that.
    Then I applied the covers for a glut of rewards.
    ISO: 1,624,250 from champ rewards, 2,090,000 from sales of maxed dupes, 4,306,660 spent on farming & champing fours
    HP: 24,840 from champ rewards, 4,500 from sales of maxed dupes
    Covers: 22 3 star covers and 11,100 shards, 10 4 star covers and 15,665 shards, 13 5 star covers and 3,500 shards
    CP: 1808
    Tokens: Heroic 108, Mighty 49, Legendary 168
    I went up 9 SCL levels  and added BRB via Throg and Shang-Chi via Milestones to my fully covered 5s.  Now to decide whether to soft cap them or jump into 5 star land; for now at least I'll move my fully covered options up to 310 and see if it changes my MMR.
    This should have been a YouTube special 
  • Jormagund
    Jormagund Posts: 175 Tile Toppler
    dianetics said:
    Jormagund said:
    I'd left my unchamped four stars softcapped at 260 and saved up some ISO; today's the day I champed the last 40, aside from Echo.  With saved covers and shards they now sit between 273 and 306.  To celebrate I also broke my hoard of Heroics and Mighty Tokens; and yes I was thankful for the open 50 button.
    Heroic Tokens.
    1,571 tokens: 1,145 2 stars (72.88%), 352 3 stars (22.41%) 15,710 shards and 2,050 bonus shards, 74 4 stars (4.71%) 4,713 shards and 750 bonus shards.  Bit disappointed to be so far off the expected rates for 4 stars but at least I got more 3 stars than expected.
    3 ten packs: 23 2 stars (76.67%), 6 3 stars (20%) 360 shards, 1 4 star (3.33%) 120 shards.
    Mighty Tokens.
    1073 Tokens: 915 3 stars (85.27%) 13,949 shards and 1,700 bonus shards, 158 4 stars (14.73%) 3219 shards and 750 bonus shards.  Five covers more than expected and after the bad run on the heroics happy with that.
    Then I applied the covers for a glut of rewards.
    ISO: 1,624,250 from champ rewards, 2,090,000 from sales of maxed dupes, 4,306,660 spent on farming & champing fours
    HP: 24,840 from champ rewards, 4,500 from sales of maxed dupes
    Covers: 22 3 star covers and 11,100 shards, 10 4 star covers and 15,665 shards, 13 5 star covers and 3,500 shards
    CP: 1808
    Tokens: Heroic 108, Mighty 49, Legendary 168
    I went up 9 SCL levels  and added BRB via Throg and Shang-Chi via Milestones to my fully covered 5s.  Now to decide whether to soft cap them or jump into 5 star land; for now at least I'll move my fully covered options up to 310 and see if it changes my MMR.
    This should have been a YouTube special 
    It took hours, mainly because of tracking the rewards and individual 4 star pulls.  It would be a whole new level of boring.  I'm now on exactly300 pulls so looking pretty for the next set of latest I want to go for.

  • Akoni
    Akoni Posts: 790 Critical Contributor
    Shout out to today's MVP, Cascade. A long cascade took out the enemy Polaris, Grocket, and left Juggernaut with just over 4k health. BRB's green finished him off. 3-turn game.
  • Sekilicious
    Sekilicious Posts: 1,766 Chairperson of the Boards
    Made it to 1200 pts for the first time. Only took 74 wins to get there. Thanks boosted Shang-Chi
  • hothie
    hothie Posts: 210 Tile Toppler
    Made it to 1200 pts for the first time. Only took 74 wins to get there. Thanks boosted Shang-Chi

    I had you beat. You only had SC left, and I was nearly full team. Then my phone decided that that was the perfect time to quit, so it counted as a forfeit. Grats on 1200, though. I had a tough slog to 75 wins and barely made it over 1000 because everybody was playing at the same time this morning. See you tomorrow! ;)
  • Sekilicious
    Sekilicious Posts: 1,766 Chairperson of the Boards
    hothie said:
    Made it to 1200 pts for the first time. Only took 74 wins to get there. Thanks boosted Shang-Chi

    I had you beat. You only had SC left, and I was nearly full team. Then my phone decided that that was the perfect time to quit, so it counted as a forfeit. Grats on 1200, though. I had a tough slog to 75 wins and barely made it over 1000 because everybody was playing at the same time this morning. See you tomorrow! ;)
    I expect that is how I get most of my defensive wins.