New Event not New Characters Please

alphabeta Posts: 469 Mover and Shaker
Hey d3 - great game btw

So Ultron was an interesting attempt with some issues but those are raised elsewhere.

My thing is chatting with some alliance mates the monotony of PVE is getting truly awful - so many new character and yet no new stories (aside from ultron) in how long.

We'd therefore love to see no new characters for 3 months (gives people time to cover those new ones anyway) and some new stories be the focus - just make them have rewards of some of the new 3*s you've introduced.

So trying to be helpful I started riffing and got very excited about one option straight away - given the movie is coming lets have MPQ Civil War;

You have heros fighting heros which mixes it up
You could have a Cap and and Iron Man team (pro registration vs anti)
You choose whether you are pro vs anit but whichever you choose you get a different list of powered up characters and those who are powered up for the other side are locked for you for the whole event.
Depending upon which side you pick you are playing for different progression and placing rewards (same level ie 3* for top 150 but one relevant for that side of the fight)
Spidey is the only overlap and you are fighting to convince him to come out pro or anti

you could have so many stories from the series to fill it out and given the full range of MPQ characters now you could have some interesting bits with people who aren't big parts of the story on where they stand - how does someone like Kamela Khan stand on registration (and you are using some of the new characters you've brought in which make them relevant) - first sub could be something like convince her to your side with a final mission where the reward is if you win she becomes an essential for you in the next if not she goes over to the other side and you have to fight her in the next sub event as an extra opponent.

I'm really excited about it as an idea (and will only ask a fully covered prof x / LThor / xForce trio as commission! icon_e_biggrin.gif )

Seriously though pve is crying out for new content and you have a rich user base who know the content and backstories pretty well - I'd love others to tell me what they think of my story idea and add there own to the thread for discussion

alphabeta / abcdefghijkl

A member of unofficially the maddest alliance in MPQ - but you have to go through the looking glass to find it


  • yeh a Cpl new story lines would help gets repetitive fighting same dark avengers all the time
    how about a character once a month and new story too.
    Maybe use mystique magneto to fight against and have xmen characters powered to go against them or doc doom as villain.
    There are so many diff story lines you could use as a mini story.
  • Agree less new characters. Give us a break and wow us with new content to play in. Why not internal alliance wars, or co-op play, avengers vs a 4* character format like vs ultron, veterans pvp with some kind of unique play (required 4* for instance). There are so many options. Also revamp lightning rounds. The reward structure does not make it worthwhile. A long time ago you were guaranteed a villian in lightning rounds. Lets have a buffed xmen pvp. Or only female fight. Also lets have a pvp where we decide from a list of what character we want buffed and that drops us into a pvp with like minded players with same buffed character.