D3 said they 'streamlined' events, what do you think?



  • SymmeTrey wrote:
    I agree that 7 day events deserve to be re-looked at relative to awards. Here is my biggest problem with 7 day events:

    You get 4-5 days into a 7 day event and get burnt out or have an emergency arise. So, you end up feeling tremendous pressure to keep finding ways to play because of the "all or nothing" aspect of the end rewards and all the time/effort you have invested. Players feeling "pushed" to play or otherwise playing when they don't really want to play is the surest way to burn those players out and make them want to quit.

    Missing a couple of days of play at the end of a 7 day event and falling to 2* cover land after 5 days of Top 10/50 play sucks. I think rewards should be more incremental throughout these long events so that, for some example, if a player plays the first 3 days of the event at a high level, the player can perhaps earn one of the end covers, either through progression or sub rewards.

    For a match-3 game that really seems to want to reach a larger, more mainstream, more casual market, I think players really need the ability to drop in and out of events and earn a worthwhile reward in a much shorter timeframe than 7 days.

    There is also the practical problem with 7 day events that they are nearly twice as long as the 3/4 day events but offer the same rewards as those events, meaning the rewards are effectively 50% for the length of the event.

    Definitely agree about it feeling like work, especially when I was already determined to get 4k this PvP season so I have been working hard over there. Suddenly an event comes up with rewards that I am actually really into. I don't have colossus yet but currently I'm in the top 10 in my group... I might actually get all 3! But man I'm going to have to grind, grind, grind, and totally give up on PvP while I'm at it since I have to use the same characters for both.

    And yes, I have been neglecting other real-life things just to make sure I don't fall down too far, enough that it's becoming an issue and I have to either have something change or give the game up. It's not worth pissing off wife/boss/friends/kids just for a CHANCE at some covers that I might get screwed out of last minute anyway.

    In theory the reward of the 3* cover isn't bad, except that Vision sucks, and there's no route to getting a red cover to make him more useful. I would have been happy to see a 36,000 reward with a second cover for him, that would make the whole event seem more worth it, then even if I lose in the rankings I've still gotten something good for all my effort.

    Also the single-day rewards... only one token for anything under rank #2? The HP is nice but not terribly meaningful unless I get 100 every day. I've currently got 8 singleton 3* covers waiting and some about to expire. Then I work all day and get one token which, so far, has given me something i already have or can't use, every time. So I'd like to at least see the top 50 get 2 tokens or something, or maybe increase the ISO/HP rewards at least.

    I'm around 70 days in and this game has become extremely hard to progress in without, seriously, 5+ hours a day at it. At this rate I'm definitely going to burn out and delete it rather than continue to enjoy it in my spare time for months/years to come.
  • Well my honest impression is that this game suffers, and has always suffered, from a glaring design flaw. Namely that the vast majority of the gaming community would rather less scaling, and no competitive element, with a design focus on personal progression instead of having to worry about placement and timing when you play to maximize your score in comparison to other players.

    Maybe these are the outstanding gripes of a predominantly single-player focused vet, but my impression is that they're pretty common to the player base.

    I like that they're putting effort into improving the game, but they need to do a lot more to make rewards obtainable without treating this game like a job. If they gave out rewards from token pulls in the same quantity to people who play the game somewhat regularly as they do to people who don't at all (note: this isn't an endorsement for nerfing the increased pull rates for super-casuals), the game would be a lot more fun. These most recent PvP's and the current Heroic, I just keep asking myself "where's the fun?". It's just a colossal chore (see what I did there? icon_lol.gif ) and Health Pack / time drain.

    And yeah, goons feeding AP to AP stealers to instantly fire off powers that 1/2 the health of your strongest chars - yeah, that will never be "fun". ("Our metrics show gamers enjoy odds that are patently stacked against them in token pulls and in matches against the AI").

    I liked the Tacos, the Gauntlet, and Ultron - events you could effectively play on your own time, and not have to deal with the artificial frustrations the game imposes on you most of the time. I wish they'd do more to shift over to that style of gameplay.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards

    I liked the Tacos, the Gauntlet, and Ultron - events you could effectively play on your own time, and not have to deal with the artificial frustrations the game imposes on you most of the time. I wish they'd do more to shift over to that style of gameplay.

    If you have ever played PAD, DPD is quite a bit like a daily technical dungeon. There are quite a few mechanics in PAD i wouldn't mind seeing in MPQ, but...

    Then i would play 2 of the same game, and that is boring.

    in PAD you don't really compete for any rewards.. they just kind of show up on the way, good for casual, no pressure, no need to buy anything, fun.

    MPQ is a bit more hardcore, takes longer to power up, more of a challenge, reminds me more of an MMO then a card type game.

    MPQ needs some tweaking, lowering of costs etc.. but as far as mobile games go, i still think it is one of the best out there.
  • ShadowX1984
    ShadowX1984 Posts: 59
    rixmith wrote:
    I really like that the subs are all just 24 hours. They don't get boring, and when doing my final clear before the end of them, there are still rewards to be gotten on the nodes. Overall I think this is a good direction.

    This. And the fact that there are no 12-hour increments means that I can run all my final grinds in the evening without ever having to worry about a sub starting or finishing in the middle of the workday. That was one of the things that really killed me.
  • Malcrof wrote:
    MPQ needs some tweaking, lowering of costs etc.. but as far as mobile games go, i still think it is one of the best out there.

    Agreed, this is one of the strangest aspects of the whole thing, I think. The fact that MPQ has a fun core mechanic and does so much right, but somehow manages to have an equal amount of features that can be downright frustrating at times and work against being able to enjoy the game.
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    "Malcrof wrote:
    For once, i am not having any issues with hood at all. I think super OBW is the reason, he is going down extremely fast right now.

    Getaway plan is the one i can't seem to do.. all characters are level 190+, the highest i have that i can use is 150 (not evening thinking of bringing IW lvl 160 with 1 blueflag.png and nothing else into that mess).

    I even tried my DPD team, OBW, Thor, Marvel.. daken gets a blue off with a couple tiles out, and its over.. any suggestions?
    me either until this last clear. they've actually been easy so far but this last one had no purple matches available but enough purple on the board, so it was ugly. couldn't get to a blue cd and obw took sniper and twin pistols back to back and I lost her. thor limped home but not by much. vision is just useless.
  • Well my honest impression is that this game suffers, and has always suffered, from a glaring design flaw. Namely that the vast majority of the gaming community would rather less scaling, and no competitive element, with a design focus on personal progression instead of having to worry about placement and timing when you play to maximize your score in comparison to other players.

    Maybe these are the outstanding gripes of a predominantly single-player focused vet, but my impression is that they're pretty common to the player base.

    I like that they're putting effort into improving the game, but they need to do a lot more to make rewards obtainable without treating this game like a job. If they gave out rewards from token pulls in the same quantity to people who play the game somewhat regularly as they do to people who don't at all (note: this isn't an endorsement for nerfing the increased pull rates for super-casuals), the game would be a lot more fun. These most recent PvP's and the current Heroic, I just keep asking myself "where's the fun?". It's just a colossal chore (see what I did there? icon_lol.gif ) and Health Pack / time drain.

    And yeah, goons feeding AP to AP stealers to instantly fire off powers that 1/2 the health of your strongest chars - yeah, that will never be "fun". ("Our metrics show gamers enjoy odds that are patently stacked against them in token pulls and in matches against the AI").

    I liked the Tacos, the Gauntlet, and Ultron - events you could effectively play on your own time, and not have to deal with the artificial frustrations the game imposes on you most of the time. I wish they'd do more to shift over to that style of gameplay.

    Can we spam this comment to the devs email? I think it summarizes everything I dislike about the game. I love the mechanics, I love the characters and the powers, I love the strategy required to figure out who to put in against each set of opponents. But these days at least 75% of the time I play it's because I feel like I have to in order to get anywhere, and because I have an addictive personality that they are playing on by making me feel like I am missing out if I don't play 8 hours a day. I don't appreciate that. I was having way more fun playing normal story modes. I'm surprised they don't update the single-player story modes occasionally to give us some new things to try that don't require constant battles against others. The whole game is multiplayer now and honestly, it sucks.

    Side note: after my last comment complaining that the daily rewards were too small and I would have liked to see a path to a red vision cover, guess what I pulled from my single recruit token for placing 10th? icon_e_wink.gif
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,764 Chairperson of the Boards
    So with the stream line events I like how all subs are 24,48 hrs. This makes everything end at the same time.
    My initial impression of the events starting right away is I am not in favor of it. I don't think it is the fact that the event starts right away as I can always start the event 24 hrs in, but physcologicly seeing the next PVE event pop up over 24 hrs before mine ends makes me feel burnt out. Before when PVE ended and I didn't see another event yet it felt like I had a break and nothing to worry about. Again this is more physcologicly than anything, but I liked the 12hr break before I saw the next event.
    Th new end times are good in PVP, although I am still getting use to them. I picked the wrong time and I was not able to play durring the last 12 hrs so I did not score as well as I would have liked. My fault completly, but I think the new end times are good.
  • It's getting a bit silly, really.

    I already have a full time job, D3. One that pays me instead of the inverse. It's actually quite interesting if you think about it. They make the game harder to compete for people who would actually have the disposable income.

    I've always held the theory that people buy more often if they are *this close* rather than *miles away*. If I can't catch up, I stop trying. If I'm almost there, I'll put the foot on the gas and throw some money on stuff to keep going.
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    rixmith wrote:
    I really like that the subs are all just 24 hours. They don't get boring, and when doing my final clear before the end of them, there are still rewards to be gotten on the nodes. Overall I think this is a good direction.

    This. And the fact that there are no 12-hour increments means that I can run all my final grinds in the evening without ever having to worry about a sub starting or finishing in the middle of the workday. That was one of the things that really killed me.
    Sadly the new times where I am do exactly that. I tend to do a 16:00-22:00 most days. The PvE events now end at either 10pm or 4am as a choice. Or I could do 5pm, so it ends an hour after I've gone to work and I miss out on 5-6 hours when I get back. Or I could do 12pm...but I'm a night owl and tend to go to bed late and wake up around 12...so that cuts into my sleep pattern.

    The older times were better for me, sadly =/