Tired of Giving Iron Man High-Fives

The game's boot-up screen used to be neat: "Wow, look at that repulsor glowing!" Nowadays, it's more of a chore to point-and-click at Iron Man's powered palm. Plus, when you think about it, it's a little like sticking your head into a lion's mouth - why would you want to touch a charging repulsor? In any case, any chance we could eliminate the extra click?

Ditto with the glowing "here's your reward" screens. If I'm anything like anyone else, a frenzied series of taps precedes each and every reward, which takes its sweet time appearing. After all the strategic tapping I just did on an 8x8 grid, do I really need to tap again to reveal/collect my reward? I'm all tapped-out.


  • I agree the extra steps are unnecessary and should be removed.
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    I sometimes expect to get a blister from how rapidly I tap the reward screen.
  • I don't know about the phones, but i know on the PC i tap space and it skips all of that.