Stark Salary Failed

Hello, i want to purchase the stark salary but when i click it i get a purchase failed message saying unable to complete purchase at this time. its been like this for about 20 hours. i have the funds in my steam account. also i am able to purchase all the other resources just not the stark salary. any help would be very welcomed!


  • this stinks, i still cant purchase the 20,000 gold, anyone run into this problem?
  • Are you running any firewall/security software? These can sometimes block the interaction between MPQ and Steam until explicit permission is granted.
  • no im not, ive purchased the 20,000 gold before , and i can even purchase the other gold options just not the 20,000 gold. its the only one i get the error on, so annoying and frustrating. you'd think they would want more of my money lol
  • If only the Stark Salary is affected, then it may be some problem with the charge exceeding your Steam wallet balance. Taxes and exchange rates are common problems here. Steam may also have a spending limit based on your purchase history, but you should also have received some email if this was the case.

    Demiurge does not usually work on weekends, so you'll have to wait until Monday to hear any official response to this, although it is quite likely that you will just be directed to their customer support. You can access that email from the in game help menu by the way.
  • thx 4 ur replys, gave u thumbs up. the only thing i can think of maybe its like a credit card, if u spend lots of money within a short time frame they put a hold on ur card until u can verify its you doing the spending. though im having trouble verifying this.
  • Maybe it's the game's way of trying to tell you that...
    Just kidding, thank you for keeping the game alive for shameless f2p-ers like myself.
  • well i didnt want to email customer support cuz i herd it takes weeks, but i guess i have no choice
  • I bought Stark salary 5 days ago and they never show in my game , they took the money from my itune store credit. D3 service ask me a pic of my purchase and then nothing since then. What should I do?
  • hey wallow, if u get an answer of some sort can u plz let me know what D3 says
  • After 5 days they told me that the proof wasn't ok. So they ask me to send the Itune bill, after I send it they told me that they are going to review it. So after 5 days I'm still waiting and cant buy slot for my characters either shield for pvp.
  • They solve this problem thanks to the d3 team for this.
  • bah, lucky 4 you, it still wont work for me